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Characters - Character Codes


  • Character: The special character.
  • Name of Character: The name of the character.
  • Alt Code: The Alt code is probably the quickest and most efficient way to produce a special character. Hold the “Alt” button on your keyboard, type the specified number (on the numeric keypad), and let go of Alt. This works in most word processors, and Alt codes using numbers less than 256 will work on most web pages.
  • Character Code: The character code is the hexadecimal code that is assigned to every character, including regular characters. It can also be used in Microsoft Word to produce special characters. Type the character code for a character, and then hold Alt and press X.
  • Name Code: The name code works only on web pages — not in word processor documents. Simply type a character's name code in your page's HTML, and the character will appear on the page in its place. Internet codes for characters with number codes over 255 may not work in all situations.
  • Number Code: The number code, like the name code, works only on web pages — not in word processor documents. However, the scope of number codes is much more broad, giving it a decisive advantage over name codes. Simply type a character's number code in your page's HTML, and the character will appear on the page in its place.
  • Shortcut Key: The shortcut key can be used with Microsoft Word. Let's take Ctrl + Shift + 6, u, for example. To produce the character associated with this code, hold down Ctrl, Shift, and 6, and then let go. Then, when the “u” key is pressed, the character, û, appears.

How to use combining diacritical marks:

  • Combining diacritical marks can be used to add a diacritical mark to a desired character.
  • Type the number code for the desired mark immediately after the character you would like to add it to.
  • For example, typing My name is B̃ob would appear as My name is B̃ob.
  • Note that this only works for the characters labeled as combining marks (combining grave, combining acute, combining tilde, combining hook above, and combining dot below).


CharacterName of CharacterAlt CodeCharacter CodeName CodeNumber CodeShortcut Key
ÀCapital A with graveAlt + 019200C0ÀÀCtrl + ` + Shift + a
àLowercase a with graveAlt + 133 or Alt + 022400E0ààCtrl + ` + a
ÁCapital A with acuteAlt + 019300C1ÁÁCtrl + ' + Shift + a
áLowercase a with acuteAlt + 160 or Alt + 022500E1ááCtrl + ' + a
ÂCapital A with circumflexAlt + 019400C2ÂÂCtrl + Shift + 6 + a
âLowercase a with circumflexAlt + 131 or Alt + 022600E2ââCtrl + Shift + 6, a
ÃCapital A with tildeAlt + 019500C3ÃÃCtrl + Shift + ` + a
ãLowercase a with tildeAlt + 022700E3ããCtrl + Shift + `, a
ÄCapital A with umlautAlt + 142 or Alt + 019600C4ÄÄCtrl + Shift + ; + a
äLowercase a with umlautAlt + 132 or Alt + 022800E4ääCtrl + Shift + ;, a
ÅCapital A with ring aboveAlt + 143 or Alt + 019700C5ÅÅCtrl + Shift + 2 + a
åLowercase a with ring aboveAlt + 134 or Alt + 022900E5ååCtrl + Shift + 2, a
ĀCapital A with macronAlt + 02560100 Ā
āLowercase a with macronAlt + 02570101 ā
ĂCapital A with breveAlt + 02580102 Ă
ăLowercase a with breveAlt + 02590103 ă
ĄCapital A with ogonekAlt + 02600104 Ą
ąLowercase a with ogonekAlt + 02610105 ą
ǍCapital A with caronAlt + 046101CD Ǎ
ǎLowercase a with caronAlt + 046201CE ǎ
ǺCapital A with ring above and acuteAlt + 050601FA Ǻ
ǻLowercase a with ring above and acuteAlt + 050701FB ǻ
Capital A with dot belowAlt + 78401EA0 Ạ
Lowercase a with dot belowAlt + 78411EA1 ạ
Capital A with hook aboveAlt + 78421EA2 Ả
Lowercase a with hook aboveAlt + 78431EA3 ả
Capital A with circumflex and acuteAlt + 78441EA4 Ấ
Lowercase a with circumflex and acuteAlt + 78451EA5 ấ
Capital A with circumflex and graveAlt + 78461EA6 Ầ
Lowercase a with circumflex and graveAlt + 78471EA7 ầ
Capital A with circumflex and hook aboveAlt + 78481EA8 Ẩ
Lowercase a with circumflex and hook aboveAlt + 78491EA9 ẩ
Capital A with circumflex and tildeAlt + 78501EAA Ẫ
Lowercase a with circumflex and tildeAlt + 78511EAB ẫ
Capital A with circumflex and dot belowAlt + 78521EAC Ậ
Lowercase a with circumflex and dot belowAlt + 78531EAD ậ
Capital A with breve and acuteAlt + 78541EAE Ắ
Lowercase a with breve and acuteAlt + 78551EAF ắ
Capital A with breve and graveAlt + 78561EB0 Ằ
Lowercase a with breve and graveAlt + 78571EB1 ằ
Capital A with breve and hook aboveAlt + 78581EB2 Ẳ
Lowercase a with breve and hook aboveAlt + 78591EB3 ẳ
Capital A with breve and tildeAlt + 78601EB4 Ẵ
Lowercase a with breve and tildeAlt + 78611EB5 ẵ
Capital A with breve and dot belowAlt + 78621EB6 Ặ
Lowercase a with breve and dot belowAlt + 78631EB7 ặ


CharacterName of CharacterAlt CodeCharacter CodeName CodeNumber CodeShortcut Key
ÇCapital C with cedillaAlt + 128 or Alt + 019900C7ÇÇCtrl + , + Shift + c
çLowercase c with cedillaAlt + 135 or Alt + 023100E7ççCtrl + Shift + 6, a
ĆCapital C with acuteAlt + 02620106 Ć
ćLowercase c with acuteAlt + 02630107 ć
ĈCapital C with circumflexAlt + 02640108 Ĉ
ĉLowercase c with circumflexAlt + 02650109 ĉ
ĊCapital C with dot aboveAlt + 0266010A Ċ
ċLowercase c with dot aboveAlt + 0267010B ċ
ČCapital C with caronAlt + 0268010C Č
čLowercase c with caronAlt + 0269010D č


CharacterName of CharacterAlt CodeCharacter CodeName CodeNumber CodeShortcut Key
ĎCapital D with caronAlt + 0270010E Ď
ďLowercase d with caronAlt + 0271010F ď
ĐCapital D with strokeAlt + 02720110 Đ
đLowercase d with strokeAlt + 02730111 đ


CharacterName of CharacterAlt CodeCharacter CodeName CodeNumber CodeShortcut Key
ÈCapital E with graveAlt + 020000C8ÈÈCtrl + ` + Shift + e
èLowercase e with graveAlt + 138 or Alt + 023200E8èèCtrl + ` + e
ÉCapital E with acuteAlt + 144 or Alt + 020100C9ÉÉCtrl + ' + Shift + e
éLowercase e with acuteAlt + 130 or Alt + 023300E9ééCtrl + ' + e
ÊCapital E with circumflexAlt + 020200CAÊÊCtrl + Shift + 6 + e
êLowercase e with circumflexAlt + 136 or Alt + 023400EAêêCtrl + Shift + 6, e
ËCapital E with umlautAlt + 020300CBËËCtrl + Shift + ; + e
ëLowercase e with umlautAlt + 137 or Alt + 023500EBëëCtrl + Shift + ;, e
ĒCapital E with macronAlt + 02740112 Ē
ēLowercase e with macronAlt + 02750113 ē
ĔCapital E with breveAlt + 02760114 Ĕ
ĕLowercase e with breveAlt + 02770115 ĕ
ĖCapital E with dot aboveAlt + 02780116 Ė
ėLowercase e with dot aboveAlt + 02790117 ė
ĘCapital E with ogonekAlt + 02800118 Ę
ęLowercase e with ogonekAlt + 02810119 ę
ĚCapital E with caronAlt + 0282011A Ě
ěLowercase e with caronAlt + 0283011B ě
Capital E with dot belowAlt + 78641EB8 Ẹ
Lowercase e with dot belowAlt + 78651EB9 ẹ
Capital E with hook aboveAlt + 78661EBA Ẻ
Lowercase e with hook aboveAlt + 78671EBB ẻ
Capital E with tildeAlt + 78681EBC Ẽ
Lowercase e with tildeAlt + 78691EBD ẽ
Capital E with circumflex and acuteAlt + 78701EBE Ế
ếLowercase e with circumflex and acuteAlt + 78711EBF ế
Capital E with circumflex and graveAlt + 78721EC0 Ề
Lowercase e with circumflex and graveAlt + 78731EC1 ề
Capital E with circumflex and hook aboveAlt + 78741EC2 Ể
Lowercase e with circumflex and hook aboveAlt + 78751EC3 ể
Capital E with circumflex and tildeAlt + 78761EC4 Ễ
Lowercase e with circumflex and tildeAlt + 78771EC5 ễ
Capital E with circumflex and dot belowAlt + 78781EC6 Ệ
Lowercase e with circumflex and dot belowAlt + 78791EC7 ệ


CharacterName of CharacterAlt CodeCharacter CodeName CodeNumber CodeShortcut Key
ƒLowercase f with hookAlt + 159 or Alt + 04020192 ƒ


CharacterName of CharacterAlt CodeCharacter CodeName CodeNumber CodeShortcut Key
ĜCapital G with circumflexAlt + 0284011C Ĝ
ĝLowercase g with circumflexAlt + 0285011D ĝ
ĞCapital G with breveAlt + 0286011E Ğ
ğLowercase g with breveAlt + 0287011F ğ
ĠCapital G with dot aboveAlt + 02880120 Ġ
ġLowercase g with dot aboveAlt + 02890121 ġ
ĢCapital G with cedillaAlt + 02900122 Ģ
ģLowercase g with cedillaAlt + 02910123 ģ


CharacterName of CharacterAlt CodeCharacter CodeName CodeNumber CodeShortcut Key
ĤCapital H with circumflexAlt + 02920124 Ĥ
ĥLowercase h with circumflexAlt + 02930125 ĥ
ĦCapital H with strokeAlt + 02940126 Ħ
ħLowercase h with strokeAlt + 02950127 ħ


CharacterName of CharacterAlt CodeCharacter CodeName CodeNumber CodeShortcut Key
ÌCapital I with graveAlt + 020400CCÌÌCtrl + ` + Shift + i
ìLowercase i with graveAlt + 141 or Alt + 023600ECììCtrl + ` + i
ÍCapital I with acuteAlt + 020500CDÍÍCtrl + ' + Shift + i
íLowercase i with acuteAlt + 161 or Alt + 023700EDííCtrl + ' + i
ÎCapital I with circumflexAlt + 020600CEÎÎCtrl + Shift + 6 + i
îLowercase i with circumflexAlt + 140 or Alt + 023800EEîîCtrl + Shift + 6, i
ÏCapital I with umlautAlt + 020700CFÏÏCtrl + Shift + ; + i
ïLowercase i with umlautAlt + 139 or Alt + 023900EFïïCtrl + Shift + ;, i
ĨCapital I with tildeAlt + 02960128 Ĩ
ĩLowercase i with tildeAlt + 02970129 ĩ
ĪCapital I with macronAlt + 0298012A Ī
īLowercase i with macronAlt + 0299012B ī
ĬCapital I with breveAlt + 0300012C Ĭ
ĭLowercase i with breveAlt + 0301012D ĭ
ĮCapital I with ogonekAlt + 0302012E Į
įLowercase i with ogonekAlt + 0303012F į
İCapital I with dot aboveAlt + 03040130 İ
ıLowercase dotless iAlt + 03050131 ı
ǏCapital I with caronAlt + 046301CF Ǐ
ǐLowercase i with caronAlt + 046401D0 ǐ
Capital I with hook aboveAlt + 78801EC8 Ỉ
Lowercase i with hook aboveAlt + 78811EC9 ỉ
Capital I with dot belowAlt + 78821ECA Ị
Lowercase i with dot belowAlt + 78831ECB ị


CharacterName of CharacterAlt CodeCharacter CodeName CodeNumber CodeShortcut Key
ĴCapital J with circumflexAlt + 03080134 Ĵ
ĵLowercase j with circumflexAlt + 03090135 ĵ


CharacterName of CharacterAlt CodeCharacter CodeName CodeNumber CodeShortcut Key
ĶCapital K with cedillaAlt + 03100136 Ķ
ķLowercase k with cedillaAlt + 03110137 ķ


CharacterName of CharacterAlt CodeCharacter CodeName CodeNumber CodeShortcut Key
ĹCapital L with acuteAlt + 03130139 Ĺ
ĺLowercase l with acuteAlt + 0314013A ĺ
ĻCapital L with cedillaAlt + 0315013B Ļ
ļLowercase l with cedillaAlt + 0316013C ļ
ĽCapital L with caronAlt + 0317013D Ľ
ľLowercase l with caronAlt + 0318013E ľ
ĿCapital L with middle dotAlt + 0319013F Ŀ
ŀLowercase l with middle dotAlt + 03200140 ŀ
ŁCapital L with strokeAlt + 03210141 Ł
łLowercase l with strokeAlt + 03220142 ł
Script lowercase lAlt + 84672113 ℓ


CharacterName of CharacterAlt CodeCharacter CodeName CodeNumber CodeShortcut Key
ÑCapital N with tildeAlt + 165 or Alt + 020900D1ÑÑCtrl + Shift + ` + n
ñLowercase n with tildeAlt + 164 or Alt + 024100F1ññCtrl + Shift + `, n
ŃCapital N with acuteAlt + 03230143 Ń
ńLowercase n with acuteAlt + 03240144 ń
ŅCapital N with cedillaAlt + 03250145 Ņ
ņLowercase n with cedillaAlt + 03260146 ņ
ŇCapital N with caronAlt + 03270147 Ň
ňLowercase n with caronAlt + 03280148 ň
ʼnLowercase n preceded by apostropheAlt + 03290149 ʼn


CharacterName of CharacterAlt CodeCharacter CodeName CodeNumber CodeShortcut Key
ÒCapital O with graveAlt + 021000D2ÒÒCtrl + ` + Shift + o
òLowercase o with graveAlt + 149 or Alt + 024200F2òòCtrl + ` + o
ÓCapital O with acuteAlt + 021100D3ÓÓCtrl + ' + Shift + o
óLowercase o with acuteAlt + 162 or Alt + 024300F3óóCtrl + ` + o
ÔCapital O with circumflexAlt + 021200D4ÔÔCtrl + Shift + 6 + o
ôLowercase o with circumflexAlt + 147 or Alt + 024400F4ôôCtrl + Shift + 6, o
ÕCapital O with tildeAlt + 021300D5ÕÕCtrl + Shift + ` + o
õLowercase o with tildeAlt + 024500F5õõCtrl + Shift + `, o
ÖCapital O with umlautAlt + 153 or Alt + 021400D6ÖÖCtrl + Shift + ; + o
öLowercase o with umlautAlt + 148 or Alt + 024600F6ööCtrl + Shift + ;, o
ØCapital O with slashAlt + 021600D8ØØCtrl + / + Shift + o
øLowercase o with slashAlt + 024800F8øøCtrl + / + o
ŌCapital O with macronAlt + 0332014C Ō
ōLowercase o with macronAlt + 0333014D ō
ŎCapital O with breveAlt + 0334014E Ŏ
ŏLowercase o with breveAlt + 0335014F ŏ
ŐCapital O with double acuteAlt + 03360150 Ő
őLowercase o with double acuteAlt + 03370151 ő
ƠCapital O with hornAlt + 041601A0 Ơ
ơLowercase o with hornAlt + 041701A1 ơ
ǑCapital O with caronAlt + 046501D1 Ǒ
ǒLowercase o with caronAlt + 046601D2 ǒ
ǾCapital O with stroke and acuteAlt + 051001FE Ǿ
ǿLowercase o with stroke and acuteAlt + 051101FF ǿ
Capital O with dot belowAlt + 78841ECC Ọ
Lowercase o with dot belowAlt + 78851ECD ọ
Capital O with hook aboveAlt + 78861ECE Ỏ
Lowercase o with hook aboveAlt + 78871ECF ỏ
Capital O with circumflex and acuteAlt + 78881ED0 Ố
Lowercase o with circumflex and acuteAlt + 78891ED1 ố
Capital O with circumflex and graveAlt + 78901ED2 Ồ
Lowercase o with circumflex and graveAlt + 78911ED3 ồ
Capital O with circumflex and hook aboveAlt + 78921ED4 Ổ
Lowercase o with circumflex and hook aboveAlt + 78931ED5 ổ
Capital O with circumflex and tildeAlt + 78941ED6 Ỗ
Lowercase o with circumflex and tildeAlt + 78951ED7 ỗ
Capital O with circumflex and dot belowAlt + 78961ED8 Ộ
Lowercase o with circumflex and dot belowAlt + 78971ED9 ộ
Capital O with horn and acuteAlt + 78981EDA Ớ
Lowercase o with horn and acuteAlt + 78991EDB ớ
Capital O with horn and graveAlt + 79001EDC Ờ
Lowercase o with horn and graveAlt + 79011EDD ờ
Capital O with horn and hook aboveAlt + 79021EDE Ở
Lowercase o with horn and hook aboveAlt + 79031EDF ở
Capital O with horn and tildeAlt + 79041EE0 Ỡ
Lowercase o with horn and tildeAlt + 79051EE1 ỡ
Capital O with horn and dot belowAlt + 79061EE2 Ợ
Lowercase o with horn and dot belowAlt + 79071EE3 ợ


CharacterName of CharacterAlt CodeCharacter CodeName CodeNumber CodeShortcut Key
ŔCapital R with acuteAlt + 03400154 Ŕ
ŕLowercase r with acuteAlt + 03410155 ŕ
ŖCapital R with cedillaAlt + 03420156 Ŗ
ŗLowercase r with cedillaAlt + 03430157 ŗ
ŘCapital R with caronAlt + 03440158 Ř
řLowercase r with caronAlt + 03450159 ř


CharacterName of CharacterAlt CodeCharacter CodeName CodeNumber CodeShortcut Key
ŚCapital S with acuteAlt + 0346015A Ś
śLowercase s with acuteAlt + 0347015B ś
ŜCapital S with circumflexAlt + 0348015C Ŝ
ŝLowercase s with circumflexAlt + 0349015D ŝ
ŞCapital S with cedillaAlt + 0350015E Ş
şLowercase s with cedillaAlt + 0351015F ş
ŠCapital S with caronAlt + 03520160 ŠAlt + Ctrl + Shift + 6 + s
šLowercase s with caronAlt + 03530161 šAlt + Ctrl + Shift + 6, s


CharacterName of CharacterAlt CodeCharacter CodeName CodeNumber CodeShortcut Key
ŢCapital T with cedillaAlt + 03540162 Ţ
ţLowercase t with cedillaAlt + 03550163 ţ
ŤCapital T with caronAlt + 03560164 Ť
ťLowercase t with caronAlt + 03570165 ť
ŦCapital T with strokeAlt + 03580166 Ŧ
ŧLowercase t with strokeAlt + 03590167 ŧ


CharacterName of CharacterAlt CodeCharacter CodeName CodeNumber CodeShortcut Key
ÙCapital U with graveAlt + 021700D9ÙÙCtrl + ` + Shift + u
ùLowercase u with graveAlt + 151 or Alt + 024900F9ùùCtrl + ` + u
ÚCapital U with acuteAlt + 021800DAÚÚCtrl + ' + Shift + u
úLowercase u with acuteAlt + 163 or Alt + 025000F9úúCtrl + ' + u
ÛCapital U with circumflexAlt + 021900DBÛÛCtrl + Shift + 6 + u
ûLowercase u with circumflexAlt + 150 or Alt + 025100FBûûCtrl + Shift + 6, u
ÜCapital U with umlautAlt + 154 or Alt + 022000DCÜÜCtrl + Shift + ; + u
üLowercase u with umlautAlt + 129 or Alt + 025200FCüüCtrl + Shift + ;, u
ŨCapital U with tildeAlt + 03600168 Ũ
ũLowercase u with tildeAlt + 03610169 ũ
ŪCapital U with macronAlt + 0362016A Ū
ūLowercase u with macronAlt + 0363016B ū
ŬCapital U with breveAlt + 0364016C Ŭ
ŭLowercase u with breveAlt + 0365016D ŭ
ŮCapital U with ring aboveAlt + 0366016E Ů
ůLowercase u with ring aboveAlt + 0367016F ů
ŰCapital U with double acuteAlt + 03680170 Ű
űLowercase u with double acuteAlt + 03690171 ű
ŲCapital U with ogonekAlt + 03700172 Ų
ųLowercase u with ogonekAlt + 03710173 ų
ƯCapital U with hornAlt + 043101AF Ư
ưLowercase u with hornAlt + 043201B0 ư
ǓCapital U with caronAlt + 046701D3 Ǔ
ǔLowercase u with caronAlt + 046801D4 ǔ
ǕCapital U with umlaut and macronAlt + 046901D5 Ǖ
ǖLowercase u with umlaut and macronAlt + 047001D6 ǖ
ǗLowercase u with umlaut and macronAlt + 047001D6 ǖ
ǗCapital U with umlaut and acuteAlt + 047101D7 Ǘ
ǘLowercase u with umlaut and acuteAlt + 047201D8 ǘ
ǙCapital U with umlaut and caronAlt + 047301D9 Ǚ
ǚLowercase u with umlaut and caronAlt + 047401DA ǚ
ǛCapital U with umlaut and graveAlt + 047501DB Ǜ
ǜLowercase u with umlaut and graveAlt + 047601DC ǜ
Capital U with dot belowAlt + 79081EE4 Ụ
Lowercase u with dot belowAlt + 79091EE5 ụ
Capital U with hook aboveAlt + 79101EE6 Ủ
Lowercase u with hook aboveAlt + 79111EE7 ủ
Capital U with horn and acuteAlt + 79121EE8 Ứ
Lowercase u with horn and acuteAlt + 79131EE9 ứ
Capital U with horn and graveAlt + 79141EEA Ừ
Lowercase u with horn and graveAlt + 79151EEB ừ
Capital U with horn and hook aboveAlt + 79161EEC Ử
Lowercase u with horn and hook aboveAlt + 79171EED ử
Capital U with horn and tildeAlt + 79181EEE Ữ
Lowercase u with horn and tildeAlt + 79191EEF ữ
Capital U with horn and dot belowAlt + 79201EF0 Ự
Lowercase u with horn and dot belowAlt + 79211EF1 ự


CharacterName of CharacterAlt CodeCharacter CodeName CodeNumber CodeShortcut Key
ŴCapital W with circumflexAlt + 03720174 Ŵ
ŵLowercase w with circumflexAlt + 03730175 ŵ
Capital W with graveAlt + 78081E80 Ẁ
Lowercase w with graveAlt + 78091E81 ẁ
Capital W with acuteAlt + 78101E82 Ẃ
Lowercase w with acuteAlt + 78111E83 ẃ
Capital W with umlautAlt + 78121E84 Ẅ
Lowercase w with umlautAlt + 78131E85 ẅ


CharacterName of CharacterAlt CodeCharacter CodeName CodeNumber CodeShortcut Key
ÝCapital Y with acuteAlt + 022100DDÝÝCtrl + ' + Shift + y
ýLowercase y with acuteAlt + 025300FDýýCtrl + ' + y
ŸCapital Y with umlautAlt + 03760178 ŸCtrl + Shift + ; + y
ÿLowercase y with umlautAlt + 152 or Alt + 025500FFÿÿCtrl + Shift + ;, y
ŶCapital Y with circumflexAlt + 03740176 Ŷ
ŷLowercase y with circumflexAlt + 03750177 ŷ
Capital Y with graveAlt + 79221EF2 Ỳ
Lowercase y with graveAlt + 79231EF3 ỳ
Capital Y with dot belowAlt + 79241EF4 Ỵ
Lowercase y with dot belowAlt + 79251EF5 ỵ
Capital Y with hook aboveAlt + 79261EF6 Ỷ
Lowercase y with hook aboveAlt + 79271EF7 ỷ
Capital Y with tildeAlt + 79281EF8 Ỹ
Lowercase y with tildeAlt + 79291EF9 ỹ


CharacterName of CharacterAlt CodeCharacter CodeName CodeNumber CodeShortcut Key
ŹCapital Z with acuteAlt + 03770179 Ź
źLowercase z with acuteAlt + 0378017A ź
ŻCapital Z with dot aboveAlt + 0379017B Ż
żLowercase z with dot aboveAlt + 0380017C ż
ŽCapital Z with caronAlt + 0381017D Ž
žLowercase z with caronAlt + 0382017E ž

Other Letters

CharacterName of CharacterAlt CodeCharacter CodeName CodeNumber CodeShortcut Key
ÆCapital AEAlt + 146 or Alt + 019800C6ÆÆCtrl + Shift + 7 + a
æLowercase aeAlt + 145 or Alt + 023000E6ææCtrl + Shift + 7, a
ǼCapital AE with acuteAlt + 050801FC Ǽ
ǽLowercase ae with acuteAlt + 050901FD ǽ
IJCapital IJAlt + 03060132 IJ
ijLowercase ijAlt + 03070133 ij
ĸLowercase kraAlt + 03120138 ĸ
ŊCapital EngAlt + 0330014A Ŋ
ŋLowercase engAlt + 0331014B ŋ
ŒCapital OEAlt + 03380152 ŒCtrl + Shift + 7 + o
œLowercase oeAlt + 03390153 œCtrl + Shift + 7, o
ſLowercase long sAlt + 0383017F ſ
ßLowercase sharp sAlt + 022300DFßßCtrl + Shift + 7, s
ƏCapital SchwaAlt + 0399018F Ə
əLowercase schwaAlt + 06010259 ə
ÐCapital Eth (Icelandic)Alt + 020800D0ÐÐCtrl + ' + Shift + d
ðLowercase eth (Icelandic)Alt + 024000F0ððCtrl + ' + d
ÞCapital Thorn (Icelandic)Alt + 022200DEÞÞ
þLowercase thorn (Icelandic)Alt + 025400FEþþ


CharacterName of CharacterAlt CodeCharacter CodeName CodeNumber CodeShortcut Key
¹Superscript oneAlt + 018500B9¹¹
²Superscript twoAlt + 253 or Alt + 017800B2²²
³Superscript threeAlt + 017900B3³³
½Vulgar fraction one halfAlt + 171 or Alt + 018900BD½½
Vulgar fraction one thirdAlt + 85312153 ⅓
Vulgar fraction two thirdsAlt + 85322154 ⅔
¼Vulgar fraction one quarterAlt + 172 or Alt + 018800BC¼¼
¾Vulgar fraction three quartersAlt + 019000BE¾¾
Vulgar fraction one fifthAlt + 8533 ⅕
Vulgar fraction two fifthsAlt + 8534 ⅖
Vulgar fraction three fifthsAlt + 8535 ⅗
Vulgar fraction four fifthsAlt + 8536 ⅘
Vulgar fraction one sixthAlt + 8537 ⅙
Vulgar fraction five sixthsAlt + 8538 ⅚
Vulgar fraction one eighthAlt + 8539215B ⅛
Vulgar fraction three eighthsAlt + 8540215C ⅜
Vulgar fraction five eighthsAlt + 8541215D ⅝
Vulgar fraction seven eighthsAlt + 8542215E ⅞


CharacterName of CharacterAlt CodeCharacter CodeName CodeNumber CodeShortcut Key
Double exclamation markAlt + 19 or Alt + 8252203C ‼
¡Inverted exclamation markAlt + 173 or Alt + 016100A1¡¡Ctrl + Alt + Shift + 1
¿Inverted question markAlt + 168 or Alt + 019100BF¿¿Ctrl + Alt + Shift + /
Left double quotation markAlt + 8220201C““
Right double quotation markAlt + 8221201D””
Double low-9 quotation markAlt + 8222201E„„
Left single quotation markAlt + 82162018‘‘
Right single quotation markAlt + 82172019’’
Single low-9 quotation markAlt + 8218201A‚‚
Single high-reversed-9 quotation markAlt + 8219201B ‛
«Left-pointing double angle quotation markAlt + 174 or Alt + 017100AB««
»Right-pointing double angle quotation markAlt + 175 or Alt + 018700BB»»
Single left-pointing angle quotation markAlt + 82492039‹‹
Single right-pointing angle quotation markAlt + 8250203A››
Horizontal ellipsisAlt + 82302026 …
En dashAlt + 82112013 –
Em dashAlt + 82122014 —
Horizontal barAlt + 82132015 ―
Double low lineAlt + 82152017 ‗
OverlineAlt + 8254203E‾‾
Zero width non-joinerAlt + 8204200C ‌
Zero width joinerAlt + 8205200D ‍

Diacritical Marks

CharacterName of CharacterAlt CodeCharacter CodeName CodeNumber CodeShortcut Key
¨UmlautAlt + 016800A8¨¨¨
¯MacronAlt + 017500AF¯&hibar;¯
´AcuteAlt + 018000B4´´Ctrl + ' + Spacebar
¸CedillaAlt + 018400B8¸¸Ctrl + , + Spacebar
ˆModifier letter circumflexAlt + 071002C6 ˆCtrl + Shift + 6, Space
ˇCaronAlt + 071102C7 ˇ
ˉModifier letter macronAlt + 071302C9 ˉ
˘BreveAlt + 072802D8 ˘
˙Dot aboveAlt + 072902D9 ˙
˚Ring aboveAlt + 073002DA ˚
˛OgonekAlt + 073102DB ˛
˜Small tildeAlt + 073202DC ˜
˝Double acuteAlt + 073302DD ˝
̀ Combining grave accentAlt + 07680300 ̀
́ Combining acute accentAlt + 07690301 ́
̃ Combining tildeAlt + 07710303 ̃
̉ Combining hook aboveAlt + 07770309 ̉
̣ Combining dot belowAlt + 08030323 ̣

Currency Symbols

CharacterName of CharacterAlt CodeCharacter CodeName CodeNumber CodeShortcut Key
$Dollar signAlt + 36 $
¢Cent signAlt + 155 or Alt + 016200A2¢¢Ctrl + / + c
£Pound signAlt + 156 or Alt + 016300A3££
Euro signAlt + 0128 or Alt + 836420AC €
¥Yen signAlt + 157 or Alt + 016500A5¥¥
¤General currency signAlt + 016400A4¤¤
Dong signAlt + 836320AB ₫
ƒDutch florin sign (Aruba)Alt + 0131 ƒƒ
French franc signAlt + 835520A3 ₣
Lira signAlt + 835620A4 ₤
New sheqel signAlt + 836220AA ₪
Peseta signAlt + 158 or Alt + 835920A7ƒ₧
Rupee signAlt + 8360 ₨

CharacterName of CharacterAlt CodeCharacter CodeName CodeNumber CodeShortcut Key
§Section signAlt + 21 or Alt + 016700A7§§
©Copyright signAlt + 016900A9©©Ctrl + Alt + c
®Registered trademark signAlt + 017400AE®®Ctrl + Alt + r
ªFeminine ordinal indicatorAlt + 166 or Alt + 017000AAªª
¬Not signAlt + 170 or Alt + 017200AC¬¬
Reversed not signAlt + 169 or Alt + 89762310 ⌐
µMicro signAlt + 018100B5µµ
Per mille signAlt + 82402030‰‰
PrimeAlt + 82422032 ′
Double primeAlt + 82432033 ″
Care ofAlt + 84532105 ℅
Numero signAlt + 84702116 №
Trademark signAlt + 84822122™™
Ohm signAlt + 84862126 Ω
HouseAlt + 127 or Alt + 89622302 ⌂

Shapes and Shading

CharacterName of CharacterAlt CodeCharacter CodeName CodeNumber CodeShortcut Key
Upper half blockAlt + 223 or Alt + 96002580 ▀
Lower half blockAlt + 220 or Alt + 96042584 ▄
Full blockAlt + 219 or Alt + 96082588 █
Left half blockAlt + 221 or Alt + 9612258C ▌
Right half blockAlt + 222 or Alt + 96162590 ▐
Light shadeAlt + 176 or Alt + 96172591 ░
Medium shadeAlt + 177 or Alt + 96182592 ▒
Dark shadeAlt + 178 or Alt + 96192593 ▓
Black squareAlt + 254 or Alt + 963225A0 ■
White squareAlt + 963325A1 □
Black small squareAlt + 964225AA ▪
White small squareAlt + 964325AB ▫
Black rectangleAlt + 22 or Alt + 964425AC ▬
Black up-pointing triangleAlt + 30 or Alt + 965025B2 ▲
Black right-pointing pointerAlt + 16 or Alt + 965825BA ►
Black down-pointing triangleAlt + 31 or Alt + 966025BC ▼
Black left-pointing pointerAlt + 17 or Alt + 966825C4 ◄
LozengeAlt + 967425CA ◊
White circleAlt + 9 or Alt + 967525CB ○
Black circleAlt + 967925CF ●
Inverse bulletAlt + 8 or Alt + 968825D8 ◘
Inverse white circleAlt + 10 or Alt + 968925D9 ◙
White bulletAlt + 970225E6 ◦


CharacterName of CharacterAlt CodeCharacter CodeName CodeNumber CodeShortcut Key
White smiling faceAlt + 1 or Alt + 9786263A ☺
Black smiling faceAlt + 2 or Alt + 214 or Alt + 9787263B ☻
White sun with raysAlt + 15 or Alt + 9788263C ☼
Female signAlt + 12 or Alt + 97922640 ♀
Male signAlt + 11 or Alt + 97942642 ♂
Spade suitAlt + 6 or Alt + 98242660♠♠
Club suitAlt + 5 or Alt + 98272663♣♣
Heart suitAlt + 3 or Alt + 98292665♥♥
Diamond suitAlt + 4 or Alt + 98302666♦♦
Eighth noteAlt + 13 or Alt + 9834266A ♪
Beamed eighth notesAlt + 14 or Alt + 9835266B ♫

Mathematical Symbols

CharacterName of CharacterAlt CodeCharacter CodeName CodeNumber CodeShortcut Key
+Plus signAlt + 43 +
Minus signAlt + 87222212−−
×Multiplication signAlt + 021500D7××
÷Division signAlt + 246 or Alt + 024700F7÷÷
=Equal signAlt + 61 =
±Plus/minus signAlt + 241 or Alt + 017700B1±±
πGreek lowercase letter pi 03C0ππ or ⁄
Fraction slashAlt + 82602044 ⁄
Superscript lowercase nAlt + 252 or Alt + 8319207F ⁿ
Estimated symbolAlt + 8494212E ℮
Partial differentialAlt + 87062202 ∂
IncrementAlt + 87102206 ∆
N-ary productAlt + 8719220F ∏
N-ary summationAlt + 228 or Alt + 87212211∑∑
Division slashAlt + 87252215 ∕
Bullet operatorAlt + 250 or Alt + 87292219 ∙
Square rootAlt + 251 or Alt + 8730221A√√
Proportional toAlt + 8733 ∝∝
InfinityAlt + 236 or Alt + 8734221E ∞
Right angleAlt + 28 or Alt + 8735221F ∟
IntersectionAlt + 87452229 ∩
IntegralAlt + 8747222B∫∫
Top half integralAlt + 244 or Alt + 89922320 ⌠
Bottom half integralAlt + 89932321 ⌡
Almost equal toAlt + 247 or Alt + 87762248≈≈
~Similar (Tilda)Alt + 126 or Alt + 8764 ∼∼
CongruentAlt + 8773 ≅≅
Not equal toAlt + 88002260≠≠
Identical toAlt + 240 or Alt + 88012261≡≡
<Less thanAlt + 60 &lt;&#0060;
Less than or equal toAlt + 243 or Alt + 88042264&le;&#8804;
>Greater thanAlt + 62 &gt;&#0060;
Greater than or equal toAlt + 242 or Alt + 88052265&ge;&#8805;
%PercentAlt + 37 &#0037;
Per millionAlt + 0137 &permil;&#0137;
AngleAlt + 8736 &ang;&#8736;
ThereforeAlt + 8756&there4; &#8756;


CharacterName of CharacterAlt CodeCharacter CodeName CodeNumber CodeShortcut Key
¦Broken vertical barAlt + 016600A6&brvbar; or &brkbar;&#166;
ºDegree signAlt + 248 or Alt + 017600B0&deg;&#176;
Paragraph signAlt + 20 or Alt + 018200B6&para;&#182;
Middle dotAlt + 249 or Alt + 018300B7&middot;&#183;
BulletAlt + 7 or Alt + 82262022 &#8226;
Leftwards arrowAlt + 27 or Alt + 85922190&larr;&#8592;
Upwards arrowAlt + 24 or Alt + 85932191&uarr;&#8593;
Rightwards arrowAlt + 26 or Alt + 85942192&rarr;&#8594;
Downwards arrowAlt + 25 or Alt + 85952193&darr;&#8595;
Left right arrowAlt + 29 or Alt + 85962194 &#8596;
Up down arrowAlt + 18 or Alt + 23 or Alt + 85972195 &#8597;
\BackslashAlt + 92


CharacterName of CharacterAlt CodeCharacter CodeName CodeNumber CodeShortcut Key
Superscript 0Alt + 8304 &#8304;
¹Superscript 1Alt + 0185 &sup1;&#0185;
²Superscript 2Alt + 0178 &sup2;&#0178;
³Superscript 3Alt + 0179 &sup3;&#0179;
Superscript 4Alt + 8308 &#8308;
Superscript 5Alt + 8309 &#8309;
Superscript 6Alt + 8310 &#8310;
Superscript 7Alt + 8311 &#8311;
Superscript 8Alt + 8312 &#8312;
Superscript 9Alt + 8313 &#8313;


CharacterName of CharacterAlt CodeCharacter CodeName CodeNumber CodeShortcut Key
Subscript 0Alt + 8320 &#8320;
Subscript 1Alt + 8321 &#8321;
Subscript 2Alt + 8322 &#8322;
Subscript 3Alt + 8323 &#8323;
Subscript 4Alt + 8324 &#8324;
Subscript 5Alt + 8325 &#8325;
Subscript 6Alt + 8326 &#8326;
Subscript 7Alt + 8327 &#8327;
Subscript 8Alt + 8328 &#8328;
Subscript 9Alt + 8329 &#8329;

Tick Mark and Cross

CharacterName of CharacterAlt CodeCharacter CodeName CodeNumber CodeShortcut Key
TickAlt + 0252 &#0252;Type character a and set font to webdings
Alt + 0254 &#0254;
CrossAlt + 0251 &#0251;Type character r and set font to webdings
Alt + 0253 &#0253;


characters/character_codes.txt · Last modified: 2021/03/11 16:21 by peter

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