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Ubuntu - aptitude

aptitude is a text-based interface to the package system.

It allows the user to view the list of packages and to perform package management tasks such as installing, upgrading, and removing packages.

  • Actions may be performed from a visual interface or from the command-line.

aptitude is a great alternative to apt-get and the best way to install, remove, upgrade, and otherwise administer packages on you system with apt.

  • aptitude solves orphaned dependencies and has a curses interface that blows the doors off of dselect.

NOTE: aptitude uses many of the same commands as apt-get.

  • It is not a good idea to use both.
  • Use either aptitude or apt-get exclusively, or dependencies might get confused.

aptitude cheat sheet

Advantages using aptitude instead of apt-get

Hold a package

Unhold a package

ubuntu/aptitude.txt · Last modified: 2023/07/17 13:30 by peter

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