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Systems - Docker Main - Install Docker Containers - Install Dozzle

Dozzle monitors Docker logs.

  • It does not store any log files.
  • It is for live monitoring of container logs only.

Install Dozzle

Within the Docker Main host, run:

docker run --name dozzle -d --volume=/var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -p 8888:8080 amir20/dozzle:latest

Confirm Dozzle is running

Open Portainer.

Press F5 to refresh.

NOTE: This should show the Dozzle container running.

Edit Restart Policy

Within Portainer:

  • Select the Dozzle Container.
  • Click the Duplicate/Edit
  • Scroll down to Advanced Container Settings.
  • Select Restart Policy.
  • Change to Unless Stopped.
  • Click Deploy the Container.
  • Click Replace.

NOTE: This ensures that the container starts automatically if the host is restarted.

Open Dozzle

Visit in a browser.

NOTE: The IP address is whatever the Ubuntu VM is using.

  • The 8888 port is the default for Dozzle.


systems/docker_main/install_docker_containers/install_dozzle.txt · Last modified: 2021/07/15 13:23 by peter

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