Proxmox - Monitor Proxmox - Monitor using Grafana and Influx DB
Setup Influx DB on any server.
Edit /etc/influxdb/influxdb.conf:
- /etc/influxdb/influxdb.conf
[[udp]] enabled = true bind-address = "" database = "proxmox" batch-size = 1000 batch-timeout = "1s"
Add InfluxDb to proxmox:
Navigate to Datacenter → Metric Server → Add influxdb server (8089 port).
---configs # DB: proxmox # user & password ( You set up while setting up a influxdb )
Add a data source to the grafana with these configurations:
# grafan dashboard for proxmox monitoring : 10048
proxmox/monitor_proxmox/monitor_using_grafana_and_influx_db.txt · Last modified: 2021/05/28 11:17 by peter