PFSense - Certificates - Create a User Certificate
A User Certificate is intended to be bound to a single user to provide identity and/or encryption services for that single entity.
Create the User Certificate
Navigate to System → Cert Manager.
- Select the Certificates tab and create a User Certificate by pressing the “+” button.
In Add/Sign a New Certificate:
- Method: Create an Internal Certificate.
- Descriptive Name: PeterRoux-cert.
In Internal Certificate:
- Certificate authority: ShareWiz OpenVPN CA.
- Key Type: RSA.
- Key length: 2048 bit.
- Digest Algorithm: SHA 256.
- Lifetime: 3650. (10 years).
- Common Name: ShareWiz - OpenVPN CA.
- Country Code: JE.
- State or Province: <blank>.
- City: St. Helier.
- Organization: ShareWiz.
- Organizational Unit: <blank>.
In Certificate Attributes:
- Certificate Type: User Certificate.
- Alternative Names: <blank>.
pfsense/certificates/create_a_user_certificate.txt · Last modified: 2022/08/18 08:08 by