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apacheApache is the world's most used web server software.
apparmorAppArmor is a Linux kernel security module that allows the system administrator to restrict programs's capabilities with per-program profiles.
arpwatchARPWatch is a computer software tool for monitoring Address Resolution Protocol traffic on a computer network.

log entries to record as much information about the events that are happening on your system as possible.|



courierIMAP/POP3 server.
dovecotDovecot is an open-source IMAP and POP3 server for Linux/UNIX-like systems, written primarily with security in mind.

OpenSSH for environments with low memory and processor resources, such as embedded systems.|

firewalldFirewallD provides a dynamically managed firewall with support for network/firewall zones to define the trust level of network connections or interfaces. Default firewall management tool RHEL and Fedora.
ftpdSimple FTP server.
imapdimapd is the Courier IMAP server that provides IMAP access to Maildir mailboxes.
mailscannerMailScanner is a highly respected open source email security system design for Linux-based email gateways.
mysqlMySQL is an open-source relational database management system (RDBMS).
nginxNginx is a web server with a strong focus on high concurrency, performance and low memory usage.

programming interface (API).|

phpPHP is a server-side scripting language designed for web development but also used as a general-purpose programming language.
postfixPostfix is a free and open-source mail transfer agent (MTA) that routes and delivers electronic mail.


proftpdProFTPD is an FTP server.
PuppetPuppet is an open-source configuration management utility.
pure-ftpdPure-FTPd is a free (BSD license) FTP Server.
racoonRacoon is a key management daemon used for VPN connections.
roundcubeRoundcube is a web-based IMAP email client.

SMTP used for email transport over the Internet.|

smbdSMBD is a server that can provide most SMB services. The server provides filespace and printer services to clients using the SMB protocol.

smtp connections, and supports features such as greylisting, minimising false positives compared to a system that does full-body analysis.|

squidSquid is a caching and forwarding web proxy.
sshdsshd (SSH Daemon) is the daemon program for ssh.
systemdSystemd is a software suite for central management and configuration of the GNU/Linux operating system.
telnetdTelnet protocol daemon.
vsftpdvsftpd is an FTP server for Unix-like systems, including Linux.
wordpressWordPress is a free and open-source content management system (CMS) based on PHP and MySQL.
applications/start.1476010126.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/07/15 09:30 (external edit)

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