Windows - Add multiple NTP servers

Neither the Windows Settings app nor the Control Panel will let you configure multiple time-servers in Windows.

NOTE: These changes will not show up if you go to inspect your internet time configuration in the Time and Date section of the Control Panel.

You should not make any changes there to avoid overwriting your manual configuration.

You can use the peers-querying command (w32tm /query /peers), as shown above to inspect your configuration.

You can also overwrite your setup with different time-servers by updating your configuration again as shown above.

You may find references online to make changes in the System Registry (regedit) to accomplish the same thing, but those changes are Windows-version dependent and will not stick when you upgrade your system from one release version to the next.

The instructions in this article apply to Windows 10, 8.1, 8, and 7 (and corresponding releases of Windows Server.)