Table of Contents

Ubuntu - Samba - Install Samba

Install Samba

sudo apt install samba

Configure Samba

mkdir /home/share
chmod 777 /home/share
sudo vi /etc/samba/smb.conf

Edit the file as:

# line 25: add
unix charset = UTF-8
# line 30: change (Windows' default)
workgroup = WORKGROUP
# line 51: uncomment and change IP address you allow
interfaces =
# line 58: uncomment and add
bind interfaces only = yes
map to guest = Bad User
# add to the end, any share name you like
    # shared directory
    path = /home/share
    # writable
    writable = yes
    # guest OK
    guest ok = yes
    # guest only
    guest only = yes
    # fully accessed
    create mode = 0777
    # fully accessed
    directory mode = 0777

Restart Samba

sudo systemctl restart smbd