Table of Contents

Ubiquiti - CLI - Cheat Sheet

Unifi devices are running on a form of Linux, so most Linux commands will work on the devices.

Commands that can be run on Unifi devices from the command line.

infoDisplay AP
fwupdateUpdate firmware.fwupdate --url https://<firmware-url>.bin
poweroffShutdown the device.poweroff
rebootReboot the device.reboot
set-defaultRestore to factory default.set-default
set-inform <inform_url>Set URL of the controller.set-inform http://ip-of-controller:8080/inform
The Set-Inform URL tells the Unifi Access Point where the controller is located. By default, the access point will search the network for the controller, using the default DNS name unifi. This does not always work, so we need to tell the access point the correct address of the Unifi Controller.set-inform
syswrapper.shSimilar to set-default. Older firmware versions like v2.2.x do not support the set-default restore-default.
upgrade <firmware_url>Upgrade firmware.upgrade
uptimeDisplays the device uptime.uptime

Unifi OS SSH Commands

Commands that can be run for Controllers running Unifi OS.

ubnt-device-info summaryShow system information.ubnt-device-info summary
ubnt-systool cputempShow CPU Temp.ubnt-systool cputemp
ubnt-systool cpuloadShow CPU load.ubnt-systool cpuload
ubnt-systool hostnameSet new hostname.ubnt-systool hostname <newname>
ubnt-systool portstatusShow port status.ubnt-systool portstatus
ubnt-systool poweroffShutdown device.ubnt-systool poweroff
ubnt-systool rebootReboot device.ubnt-systool reboot
ubnt-systool reset2defaultsFactory reset device.ubnt-systool reset2defaults
ubnt-tools ubnt-discoverShow Unifi devices in the network.ubnt-tools ubnt-discover
cat /mnt/data/udapi-config/dnsmasq.leaseShow DHCP /mnt/data/udapi-config/
cat /mnt/data/udapi-config/unifiShow /mnt/data/udapi-config/unifi
/etc/init.d/S95unifios restartRestart Unifi OS Web interface/etc/init.d/S95unifios restart

Unifi Log files

There are a lot of log files that you can access to help you debug any Unifi related problem:

cat /var/log/messagesOutput the error log.
tail -f /var/log/messagesMonitor log file.
cat /mnt/data/unifi-os/unifi-core/config/settings.yamlServer settings.
cat /mnt/data/unifi-os/unifi-core/logs/discovery.logDiscovery log.
cat /mnt/data/unifi-os/unifi-core/logs/system.logSystem log.
cat /mnt/data/unifi-os/unifi/logs/server.logServer log.
cat /mnt/data/unifi-os/unifi-core/logs/errors.logHttp errors.