Table of Contents

Systems - Docker Main - Install Docker Containers - Install NZBGet

Nzbget is a usenet downloader.

Create the NZBget Directories

NZBget will store its configuration data in a directory on the Host VM.

On the Ubuntu VM Host, create a directory for this config data.

mkdir /home/peter/nzbget
mkdir /home/peter/nzbget/config
mkdir /home/peter/nzbget/downloads

NOTE: The downloads directory will be used by other services too, so not within the nzbget directory.

Determine the UID and GID

On the Ubuntu VM Host:

id peter


uid=1000(peter) gid=1000(peter) groups=1000(peter)...

NOTE: Take a note of the UID and GID numbers.

  • In this case 1000.

Install NZBget

In Portainer:

NOTE: Change settings as required.

  • /home/peter/nzbget/config: This directory will need to be created on the host.
  • /home/peter/nzbget/downloads: This directory contains the downloads.
  • PUID and GUID: Set to the numbers determined earlier.
  • Port 6789: Change as required.

Confirm NZBget is running

Open Portainer.

Press F5 to refresh.

NOTE: This should show the NZBget container running.

Open NZBget

Visit in a browser.

NOTE: The IP address is whatever the Ubuntu VM is using.

  • The 6789 port is the port configured for NZBget.
  • It is suggested to set this URL in the web browser to be the default loading page.

Setup NZBget

Configure as required.
