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PFSense - VPN - Use ExpressVPN - Configure pfSense to use the ExpressVPN configuration files

Configure Certificates for ExpressVPN

Navigate to System → Cert. Manager.

Under “CAs,” click the Add button.

Enter the following:

After entering the information, your screen should look like this:

This is what the certificate authority should look like once you’ve added it:

Stay on this page and click Certificates at the top.

Under “Certificates” click the Add button.

After entering the information, your screen should look like this:

Create an OpenVPN Client using ExpressVPN

Navigate to VPN → OpenVPN → Clients.

At the bottom of the screen, click Add.

In General Information enter:

In User Authentication Settings enter:

In Cryptographic Settings enter:

In Tunnel Settings enter:

In Advanced Configuration enter:

Now that you have the configuration files, return to Use ExpressVPN and do the next step: Create VPN Interface.