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PFSense - Suricata - Troubleshooting - Service Starts and then Fails

The Suricata service starts and then stops.

Restarting the service does not help in any way and on the pfSense system logs you are shown the following errors:

12345  [101491] <Error>-[ERRCODE:SC_ERR_POOL_INIT(66)]-pool grow failed
12345  [101491] <Error>-[ERRCODE:SC_ERR_POOL_INIT(66)]-alloc error

Check Logs

Navigate to Service –> Suricata –> Logs View.

The error was:

<Error> — [ERRCODE: SC_ERR_INITIALIZATION(45)] – pid file ‘/var/run/’ exists but appears stale. Make sure Suricata is not running and then remove /var/run/ Aborting!


Delete existing Suricata pid

Navigate to Diagnostics –> Command Prompt.

rm -f /var/run/

NOTE: If you start Suricata now it will start again but then fail as the real issue is the Stream Memory Cap limit which you need to increase.


Navigate to Services –> Suricata –> Interfaces.

In Stream Engine Settings:

NOTE: This increases memory to 256MB.

Probably need to at least double the Stream Mem Cap setting. If this fails, double again.

Navigate to Services –> Suricata –> Interfaces.