PFSense - Suricata - Rules - Breakdown of a rule
Example Rule
alert ip any any -> any any (msg:"IP detected"; sid:2; rev:1;)
alert: The action to perform on the rule.
ip: The protocol that the rule will match. When ip is specified it will watch for all or any packets on the network involving the adapter.
any any → any any: Source IP and Port; Direction; Destination IP and Port.
(msg:“ICMP detected”; sid:2; rev:1;): The options.
NOTE: Aliases can also be used.
alert ip $HOME_NET any -> $EXTERNAL_NET $HTTP_PORTS (msg:"IP detected"; sid:2; rev:1;)
$HOME_NET: An alias of internal IPs.
$EXTERNAL_NET: An alias of non HOME_NET.
$HTTP_PORTS: An alias of ports.
Actions are performed in the following precedence order by default if multiple rules exist; but can be changed through Action Order.
pass: If the packet matches this rule it will be accepted through.
drop: The packet will be silently removed from the network stack. An alert will be generated as well.
reject: This acts the same as drop but will also notify the sender that the packet has been removed from the stack.
alert: - Just notifies of any packets that have matched rules.
NOTE: Suricata also allows you to specify layer 7 protocols as well, such as HTTP (http), SSL and TLS (tls for both), FTP (ftp) and SMB (smb).
Source IP and Port; Direction; Destination IP and Port
any any -> any any
Source and Destination IP can be configured as:
any: Any IP. An actual IP. A CIDR in the subnet.
! An exclamation mark specifies “not”, so this means any IP but not
! Any IP not in the subnet.
[, !]: Multiple addresses. You can also mix-and-match with the ! as well.
[$EXTERNAL_NET, !$HOME_NET]: Multiple addresses, using built-in variables.
![,]: Not with Multiple addresses.
Ports act similarly:
any: Any Port.
80: Port 80.
[80:85]: A range of ports.
[:1024]: Matches all ports from 0-1024.
[1024:]: Matches ports from 1024 to the highest (typically 65535).
Direction Specification:
NOTE: Built-in Variables include:
Rule Options
Options fall into different categories:
meta-settings: Options not pertaining to any specifics about the packet; including msg, sid, rev.
payload: The packet data itself.
content: “peter”;.
HTTP: Heavily used when TCP protocol is set, useful for using Suricata as a content filtering system.
GET, POST, index.html, cookies, user-agents, response-status 302, 500 etc..
flow: More fine-grained control over the connection’s status and such.
established, memory usage, timeouts, user logged in.
IP reputation: Is an IP legit or known to be associated with malware, spam, etc…
msg:"IP detected"; sid:2; rev:1;
msg: - What will be prompted in an alert (unless you’re using pass as the action, set this regardless).
sid: - This is a unique ID for the rule.
If multiple rules have the same sid Suricata will let you know, and not be nice about it.
Typically you should pick a really high number (> 100000) if you are going to write your own.
rev: - Revision number/ID.
Other Rule Examples
alert icmp any any -> \
any any (msg:"PING detected"; \
sid:2; rev:1;)
alert tcp any any <> \
any any (pcre:"/3\d{3}\
msg:"American Express card number \
detected in clear text";content: \
"amex";nocase;sid: 9000003;rev:1;)
alert tcp 1024 - > 80
# Detect SSH protocol anomalies.
alert tcp any any -> any 22 (msg:"ALERT TCP port 22 but not SSH"; app-layer-protocol:!ssh; sid:2271009; rev:1;)
# Non-TLS traffic on TLS ports.
alert tcp any any -> any [443,465] (msg:"Detected non-TLS on TLS port"; flow:to_server; app-layer-protocol:!tls; threshold: type limit, track by_src, seconds 90, count 1; sid:210003; rev:1;)
alert tcp $EXTERNAL_NET any -> $HTTP_SERVERS $HTTP_PORTS (msg:\".htpasswd access attempt\"; flow:to_server,established; content:\".htpasswd\"; nocase; sid:210503; rev:1;)