Opening Port 8444 on your router so other peers can connect to you.
NOTE: Port 8444 is the port through which other Chia computers can communicate with your PC.
This allows linking up, downloading and syncing with the Chia blockchain.
chia show -a chia show -a
NOTE: Other peers can also be tried:
North Asia South Asia Western North America: 2 Eastern North America Europe:
NOTE: This should display the date and time correctly.
dpkg-reconfigure tzdata
NOTE: The Timezone and Location matter and have to be a precise matched!
rm ~/.chia/mainnet/db/peer_table_node.sqlite
NOTE: Then:
WARNING: Only do this as a last resort.
chia stop wallet-only
rm ~/.chia/mainnet/wallet/db/*
NOTE: Then:
chia start wallet
chia wallet show
NOTE: It should prompt to load from backup or skip.
The wallet will resync.
Edit ~/.chia/mainnet/config/config.yaml.
NOTE: If that value is not there, you can add it under the full_node section.
It can take a few minutes to start receiving peers and several hours to completely sync.