Table of Contents

AWK - AWK Output

Assuming a file, test.txt exists with the following contents:

10   Peter     Terence   Roux        45
11   Virginia  Genevieve  Roux        45
12   Felix     Devon     Roux         5
13   David     Bruce     Stevenson   48
14   Bob       James     Smith       16
48   Adam      Winter    Ridley      23

Display Tidy Output

Multiple commands can be passed together.

awk '/45/ {print $2,$3,$4} {print $1": "$5"\n"}' test.txt


Peter Terence Roux
10: 45

Virginia Genevieve Roux
11: 45

12: 5

13: 48

14: 16

48: 23

NOTE: This inserts a colon and a space and comma between $1 and $5.

It also inserts new line after each two-line display.

Certain escape sequences are supported, including:

\\A literal backslash.
\nNew line.
\rCarriage return.
\tHorizontal tab.
\vVertical tab.
\xhhHex digits where hh represents the hex digits. E.g. \x2F

Adding Text

Additional text can be added to lines.

awk '/45/ {print "NAME: "$2,$3,$4 "\tAGE: "$5}' test.txt


NAME: Peter Terence Roux	AGE: 45
NAME: Virginia Genevieve Roux	AGE: 45

NOTE: The values between double quotes can be anything.

Advanced Text Output

awk '/45/ {printf ("%s %d %x %s\n", $2,$5,$5,"x")}' test.txt


Peter 45 2d x
Virginia 45 2d x

NOTE: The printf command can be used to handle more complex output requirements.

This is the list of specifications supported by the printf command:

%cPrints a single ASCII character.
%dPrints a decimal number.
%ePrints a scientific notation representation of numbers.
%fPrints a floating-point representation.
%gPrints %e or %f; whichever is shorter.
%oPrints an unsigned octal number.
%sPrints an ASCII string.
%xPrints an unsigned hexadecimal number.
%%Prints a percent sign; no conversion is performed.