====== ZFS - Pools - Export / Import a ZFS Pool ======
===== Export a Pool =====
zpool export testpool
**NOTE:** This,
* Writes all unwritten data.
* Removes the pool from the system.
* If the command fails, force it with the **-f** flag.
* Usually this occurs if something is mounted.
zpool export -f testpool
===== Check the Pool =====
zpool list
**NOTE:** This should not show the pool anymore.
===== Import the Pool =====
zpool import # Show pools that can be imported
zpool import -d / # Show pools that use files as devices
zpool import test1 # Import by name.
zpool import 123456789012345678 # Import by ID.
zpool import -d / testfilepool # Import the pool with files as devices.
zpool import -f testpool # Force the import.