====== VIM - Custom Syntax Highlighting ======
===== Get existing Syntax Highlighting =====
To get an exhaustive, color-coded list showing what patterns and keywords are mapped to what classes:
syntax keyword cFunction abort
syntax keyword cFunction abs
syntax keyword cFunction acos
syntax keyword cFunction acosh
syntax keyword cFunction alarm
highlight link cFunction Function
* The top few lines designate certain keywords as belonging to the cFunction class.
* The line at the bottom links the cFunction class to the universal class Function.
===== Load the Syntax file =====
:so ~/.vim/syntax.vim
===== Keybinding to perform the load of the Syntax file =====
nmap + :so ~/.vim/syntax.vim
**NOTE:** Typing the plus key in normal mode in Vim, will load the custom syntax highlighting rules, based on what language is currently being using.
===== References =====