====== Ubuntu - SystemD - Accounting ====== Systemd allows you to check how much CPU and Memory is used by a service and how many tasks are running by the service. * Many recent Linux distros enable accounting by default. * On old Linux distros like Ubuntu 18.04, you need to manually enable accounting. ---- ===== Example ===== To enable accounting for Nginx on Ubuntu 18.04. ==== Create a directory to store the custom systemd configuration for this service ==== sudo mkdir -p /etc/systemd/system/nginx.service.d/ ---- ==== Create the custom config file under this directory ==== sudo vi /etc/systemd/system/nginx.service.d/custom.conf **NOTE:** The filename extension must be .conf. ...add the following lines in this file. [Service] CPUAccounting=true MemoryAccounting=true TasksAccounting=true ---- ==== Reload systemd ==== sudo systemctl daemon-reload ---- **NOTE:** There is no need to restart Nginx. ---- ==== Check Nginx status ==== systemctl status nginx **NOTE:** This should show Tasks, Memory and CPU information.