====== SystemD ====== Systemd can help you start, stop, restart services and also allows you to auto-start services at boot time. [[Ubuntu:SystemD:About SystemD|About SystemD]] [[Ubuntu:SystemD:Accounting|Accounting]] [[Ubuntu:SystemD:Analysing performance problems with systemd|Analysing performance problems with systemd]] [[Ubuntu:SystemD:Change the target|Change the target]] [[Ubuntu:SystemD:Check if a service is active (running)|Check if a service is active (running)]] [[Ubuntu:SystemD:Check if a service is enabled (to auto start at boot time)|Check if a service is enabled (to auto start at boot time)]] [[Ubuntu:SystemD:Check the status of a specific service|Check the status of a specific service]] [[Ubuntu:SystemD:Check the status of the default target|Check the status of the default target]] [[Ubuntu:SystemD:Check the systemd status|Check the systemd status]] [[Ubuntu:SystemD:Conflicting Services|Conflicting Services]] [[Ubuntu:SystemD:Custom Configuration for Template Systemd Service|Custom Configuration for Template Systemd Service]] [[Ubuntu:SystemD:Determine the command used to run a service|Determine the command used to run a service]] [[Ubuntu:SystemD:Enable a service to autostart at boot time|Enable a service to autostart at boot time]] [[Ubuntu:SystemD:Enable a service to be manually started|Enable a service to be manually started]] [[Ubuntu:SystemD:Enable rc.local with SystemD|Enable rc.local with SystemD]] [[Ubuntu:SystemD:Get the SystemD Version|Get the SystemD Version]] [[Ubuntu:SystemD:List Active Systemd Services|List Active Systemd Services]] [[Ubuntu:SystemD:List Active Targets|List Active Targets]] [[Ubuntu:SystemD:Logs|Logs]] [[Ubuntu:SystemD:Prevent a service from starting manually|Prevent a service from starting manually]] [[Ubuntu:SystemD:Prevent a service from starting up at boot time|Prevent a service from starting up at boot time]] [[Ubuntu:SystemD:Prevent conflicting services from running at the same time|Prevent conflicting services from running at the same time]] [[Ubuntu:Systemd:Set multi-user.target as the default target|Set multi-user.target as the default target]] [[Ubuntu:Systemd:Show all installed unit files|Show all installed unit files]] [[Ubuntu:Systemd:Show the current runlevel|Show the current runlevel]] [[Ubuntu:Systemd:Stop a service|Stop a service]] [[Ubuntu:Systemd:Timers|Timers]] [[Ubuntu:Systemd:Wants|Wants]]