====== Ubuntu - Sound - Recording audio from the command line ====== Set up the recording channels by doing alsamixer Once there, select the capture view by typing the tab key. With the arrow keys select the column Capture and set it to the CAPTURE mode with the space key. Adjust the recording volume with the arrow keys. You can also set it up with the gnome volume control panel going to the capture tab. ---- ===== Recording sound to an mp3 file ===== You’ll need the lame mp3 encoder. Install it by doing sudo apt-get install lame Type the following command arecord -f cd -t raw | lame -x -r - out.mp3 Arecord captures the audio that goes through your computer and pipes it to the lame encoder, so you encode the audio directly to an mp3 file. You can specify more options to the lame encoder such as the bitrate with lame -x -b bitrate. Without specifying the bitrate it encodes to 128kbps constant bit rate cbr. If you want to record for an specific amount of time then: arecord -f cd -d numberofseconds -t raw | lame -x -r - out.mp3 This works: arecord -d 10 -f cd -t wav /tmp/test-mic2.wav ---- ===== Ripping shoutcast audio streaming ===== Streamripper allows us to rip audio streaming servers. Install it by typing sudo apt-get install streamripper You can connect to any shoutcast radio station with xmms. Once playing get the info and write down the url. Then type: streamripper url and you’ll get each song in a separate mp3 file. ---- ===== Interesting audio applications. ===== Audacity-Editing mp3/ogg files Streamripper-ripping audio streaming servers Streamtuner-Stream directory browser ---- ===== Record in flac ===== To record in flac it is essential to use arecord to create wav not raw output. So command is: arecord -f cd -t wav | flac – -o /home/Bill/Music/out.flac ---- ===== References ===== https://jordilin.wordpress.com/2006/07/28/howto-recording-audio-from-the-command-line/