====== Ubuntu - Sound - Playlists ====== ===== M3U format ===== The playlist lists the file names (absolute or relative path) or URLs to play. There are only two directives in a playlist: 1. The header and first line of the file. #EXTM3U 2. The tracks. #EXTINF:length,Artist Name - Track Title where * **length** is given in seconds. A length of "-1" tells the player to ignore the length. * **filename** The file name (using absolute or relative path) or URL (of type: audio/x-mpegurl) of the digital audio file. Any format (mp3, ogg, ...) which can be decoded by the player will be valid. Example: #EXTM3U #EXTINF:133,song1 ./some directory/song1.mp3 #EXTINF:256,some band - song2 ./some other directory/song2.mp3 ---- ===== Other Formats ===== [[https://developer.apple.com/library/mac/documentation/CoreFoundation/Conceptual/CFPropertyLists/CFPropertyLists.html|Apple plist - XML]] ---- ===== References ===== [[http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-pantos-http-live-streaming-08|IETF streaming multi-media data file format M3U standard]]