====== Ubuntu - RSync - Rsync Files Securely With and Without a Password ====== To automate backups or avoid storing passwords within scripts, etc. rsync -avz -e ssh [Source File/Folder] --progress username@example.com:/[Destination Directory] ---- ===== Generate private/public key pairs ===== mkdir ~/my-ssh-keys ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 2048 -f ~/my-ssh-keys/mykey -q -P "" ---- ===== Place the public key in the authorized_keys file on the remote server ===== cat my-ssh-keys/mykey.pub | ssh cooluser@remote.example.com 'cat >> . ssh/authorized_keys' cooluser@remote.example.com's password: [Enter your password] ---- ===== Set permissions ===== Make sure the .ssh folder and authorized keys have the proper permissions on the remote server: chmod 0700 ~/.ssh chmod 0644 ~/.ssh/authorized_keys ---- ===== Log into the remote server ===== ssh -i my-ssh-keys/mykey cooluser@remote.example.com Keep in mind if you don’t have you use the "-i" option if you store your private key as ~/.ssh/id_rsa. ---- ===== Security restrict ===== In order to provide a bit of security, we want to restrict this automation by source connection and authorized commands. Edit the .ssh/authorized_keys file: From: ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQCWPasgSOp0CxIvp6 kj0f0syDXLl55RAXNMkKz2K6FhYwbDMDIVWBemtKICHmaC5dtLBMSIT ozO4+CZvM2EdrCBALOnas93zpeMdpexkae3dItq7eTmSCd+AzVJdaRw lKXIrAgyzhlaHCEbfmbScPR6EEKxKasF9vd4ZaH1nYN8h7DZjmyzEGR To: from="source.example.com",command="/usr/bin/cooluser-commands", no-pty,no-port-forwarding,no-agent-forwarding, no-X11-forwarding ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQCWPasg SOp0CxIvp6kj0f0syDXLl55RAXNMkKz2K6FhYwbDMDIVWBemtKICHmaC5dtLBM SITozO4+CZvM2EdrCBALOnas93zpeMdpexkae3dItq7eTmSCd+AzVJdaRwlKX ---- ===== Create a script ===== We need to create the script to ensure only the rsync command is allowed for this user: sudo vim /usr/bin/cooluser-commands #!/bin/sh set $SSH_ORIGINAL_COMMAND case "$1" in rsync) ;; *) logger -s -t invalid-command -- "Invalid command $@" exit 1 ;; esac logger -t invalid-command -- "Running $@" exec "$@" ---- ===== Setting the proper permissions ===== sudo chmod +x /usr/bin/cooluser-commands sudo chown root:root .ssh/authorized_keys sudo chmod 0644 .ssh/authorized_keys ---- ===== Test it ===== touch testfile.txt rsync -avz -e "ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -i my-ssh-keys/mykey" --progress testfile.txt cooluser@remote.example.com:/home/cooluser/