====== Ubuntu - Mouse - Map Mouse Buttons to Arbitrary Functions - Identify the key codes to use ====== Every key combination returns a specific key code. ---- ===== For Single Keys ===== xbindkey -k **NOTE:** Wait for the popup window to show, and then press a key. * For example, pressing **d**, returns: Press combination of keys or/and click under the window. You can use one of the two lines after "NoCommand" in $HOME/.xbindkeysrc to bind a key. "(Scheme function)" m:0x0 + c:40 d * This returns **d**. which can be used to refer to this key press. **NOTE:** Some keycodes cover special characters. * For example, pressing PAGE_DOWN, returns: Press combination of keys or/and click under the window. You can use one of the two lines after "NoCommand" in $HOME/.xbindkeysrc to bind a key. "(Scheme function)" m:0x0 + c:117 Next * This returns **Next**. which could be used to refer to this key press. A list of other Special Keys include (case sensitive): * Home, End Left, Up, Right, Down Page_Up, Page_Down Return BackSpace Tab Escape Delete Shift_L, Shift_R Control_L, Control_R Meta_L, Meta_R Alt_L, Alt_R F1, F2, F3, F4, F5, F6, F7, F8, F9, F10, F11, F12 grave numbersign apostrophe bracketleft, bracketright backslash, slash Caps_Lock **NOTE:** Some keycodes are special, known as modifiers, including: * Release, Control, Shift, Mod1 (Alt), Mod2 (NumLock), * Mod3 (CapsLock), Mod4, Mod5 (Scroll). * The **release** modifier catches __release__ events instead of __press__ events, * By default, some modifiers are ignored by xbindkeys, including NumLock, CapsLock and ScrollLock. ---- ===== For Multiple Keys ===== xbindkey -mk **NOTE:** Wait for the popup window to show, and then press a key. * Continue pressing other keys as required. * Press **q** to quit.