====== Ubuntu - Hardware - Hardware Detection ====== Utilities used to detect and provide information on hardware. ^Utility^Description^ |dmidecode|DMI (Desktop Management Interface) table related utilities.| |hdparm|A command line utility to set and view ATA & SATA hard disk drive hardware parameters.| |hwinfo|The hardware detection utility of OpenSUSE.| |hw-probe|Probe for hardware, check its operability and upload result to the Linux hardware DB: https://linux-hardware.org| |inxi|A system information script for IRC and system administrators.| |libinput list-devices|List local devices as recognized by libinput.| |lpinfo|Lists all printers and the available drivers (.ppd files).| |lsinput|Small collection of linux input layer utils.| |lshw|Generates a structured list of detected hardware and their features.| |lspci|Includes command-line tools for identifying PCI system hardware.| |lsusb|Includes command-line tools for identifying USB system hardware.| |i2cdetect|I2C tools for bus probing, chip dumping, register-level access helpers, EEPROM decoding, and more.| |sensors-detect|Detects temperature sensors| |Scan modem|scanModem.sh is a script used for finding suited driver for connected modems.|