====== Ubuntu - GPU - PCIe atomics ======
Supports SMP-type operations across a PCIe network to allow for things like offloading tasks between CPU cores and accelerators like a GPU.
===== Check if your system supports PCIe atomics =====
sudo dmesg | grep -i kfd
[ 5.648377] kfd kfd: amdgpu: Allocated 3969056 bytes on gart
[ 5.728369] kfd kfd: amdgpu: added device 1002:744c
**NOTE:** Your system supports PCIe atomics if you find something like
kfd kfd: added device 1002:15d8
* Without PCIe atomics you will get something like
kfd: skipped device 1002:7300, PCI rejects atomics
* The **1002:744c** can be checked against the [[https://drmdb.emersion.fr/devices|DRM Database]].
===== References =====
[[https://drmdb.emersion.fr/devices|DRM Database]]