====== Ubuntu - GIT - Configure GIT ======
===== Configure GIT so that commit messages generated for you will contain your correct information =====
The easiest way of doing this is through the **git config** command. You need to provide your name and email address because Git embeds this information into each commit you do.
git config --global user.name "Your Name"
git config --global user.email "youremail@domain.com"
You can see all of the configuration items that have been set by typing:
git config --list
user.name=Your Name
As you can see, this has a slightly different format.
The information is stored in your Git configuration file, which you can optionally edit by hand with a text editor:
vi ~/.gitconfig
name = Your Name
email = youremail@domain.com
There are many other options that you can set, but these are the two essential ones needed to prevent warnings in the future.