====== Ubuntu - Boot - Speed up boot ======
===== Check startup time =====
Check how long it takes to boot:
systemd-analyze time
Startup finished in 16.619s (firmware) + 10.201s (loader) + 36.729s (kernel) + 41.034s (userspace) = 1min 44.586s
graphical.target reached after 23.396s in userspace
This shows how long it takes for the Linux kernel and base system services to load.
It shows you how much time is required, from the moment the kernel is loaded until you are dropped to the Linux console.
It doesn’t account for the time your graphical interface requires to boot up.
===== Check startup time for the graphical interface to initialize =====
You can also see the time required by the graphical interface to initialize with this command:
systemd-analyze critical-chain graphical.target
The time after the unit is active or started is printed after the "@" character.
The time the unit takes to start is printed after the "+" character.
graphical.target @23.396s
└─multi-user.target @23.396s
└─libvirt-guests.service @23.378s +18ms
└─libvirtd.service @3.189s +20.187s
└─network.target @3.189s
└─NetworkManager.service @2.333s +855ms
└─dbus.service @2.223s
└─basic.target @2.207s
└─sockets.target @2.207s
└─docker.socket @2.206s +965us
└─sysinit.target @2.203s
└─apparmor.service @1.458s +745ms
└─local-fs.target @1.457s
└─run-user-1000-gvfs.mount @15.641s
└─run-user-1000.mount @14.700s
└─swap.target @1.607s
└─dev-mapper-ubuntu\x2d\x2dvg\x2dswap_1.swap @1.565s +36ms
└─dev-mapper-ubuntu\x2d\x2dvg\x2dswap_1.device @1.565s
This shows that the graphical user interface loaded in 23.396 seconds.
This doesn’t account for the time required to load desktop utilities.
To enable/disable those, launch your desktop environment startup manager.
===== Check which services takes most time =====
Use the following command to check which service takes most of time
systemd-analyze blame
30.898s apt-daily.service
20.417s rsyslog.service
20.187s libvirtd.service
5.774s systemd-networkd-wait-online.service
3.654s docker.service
1.841s apt-daily-upgrade.service
1.820s snapd.service
1.487s plymouth-quit-wait.service
993ms dev-mapper-ubuntu\x2d\x2dvg\x2droot.device
855ms NetworkManager.service
768ms fwupd.service
752ms udisks2.service
745ms apparmor.service
736ms networkd-dispatcher.service
725ms snap-gnome\x2dcalculator-544.mount
710ms networking.service
697ms thermald.service
680ms snap-netbeans-10.mount
674ms snap-gnome\x2dlogs-81.mount
661ms systemd-resolved.service
643ms systemd-timesyncd.service
642ms systemd-logind.service
558ms ModemManager.service
550ms apport.service
544ms gpu-manager.service
528ms motd-news.service
502ms grub-common.service
You can navigate the list with your arrow keys or **PAGE UP** and **PAGE DOWN**.
Press **q** to quit.
===== Check the critical chain =====
Analyze each major process to determine how long it takes to run.
For example, to get further information on the AppArmor Service, to see if you can disable it or speed it up, use:
systemctl status apparmor.service
● apparmor.service - AppArmor initialization
Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/apparmor.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
Active: active (exited) since Sat 2019-11-23 10:23:26 GMT; 2 days ago
Docs: man:apparmor(7)
Process: 1181 ExecStart=/etc/init.d/apparmor start (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
Main PID: 1181 (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
Warning: Journal has been rotated since unit was started. Log output is incomplete or unavailable.
Also check the journal:
journalctl -u apparmor.service
-- Logs begin at Sun 2019-11-24 02:17:01 GMT, end at Mon 2019-11-25 21:05:42 GMT. --
-- No entries --
===== Disabling auto-start of services during boot =====
If you want to disable auto-starting of services during boot you can use the following command:
sudo systemctl disable some-time-eater-service.service --now
However, you might want to see which other services needs the service in question. To check use the following command
systemctl list-dependencies some-service.service --reverse
Note: Replace **some-service.service** with actual service name.
**WARNING:** Disabling a service doesn't make a service non-startable. If you reboot, you could notice the service (daemon) is still running. That’s because other dependencies may launch it, even if it’s disabled.
Try to see what those may be:
systemd-analyze blame | grep some-service
If you want to completely disable it, read the next section.
===== Disabling services completely =====
If you want to completely disable a service so that it can't be started, you should use mask instead of disable. Like this
sudo systemctl mask
Replace the with actual name of a service.
The difference between mask and disable is mask make a service completely disable, you can't start it. You must unmask to start it with systemd (you can still start with service). But disable simply disables auto-start of a service, you can start it later.
For example, after masking the some-service service, if you tried start it with systemctl the following message is shown
Failed to start some-service.service: Unit some-service.service is masked.
===== Re-enable a service =====
If you want to re-enable a service:
sudo systemctl unmask
sudo systemctl enable