====== Ubuntu - Benchmark - Disk Speedtest using hdparm ====== The **hdparm** tool is available out of the box in most Linux distributions. hdparm -tT /dev/sda1 result: /dev/sda1: Timing cached reads: 20780 MB in 1.99 seconds = 10416.77 MB/sec Timing buffered disk reads: 620 MB in 3.01 seconds = 206.13 MB/sec There are multiple things to understand here in the above hdparm results. The **-t** Option will show you the speed of reading from the cache buffer (That's why it's much much higher). The **-T** option will show you the speed of reading without precached buffer(which from the above output is low 206.13 MB/sec as shown above.) The hdparm output shows you both the cached reads and disk reads separately.