====== Ubuntu - apt - Add local directory to apt sources.list ====== 1. Create the directory to put all the deb files, for example /home/foo/debs: mkdir /home/foo/debs ---- 2. Put all the deb files into the directory: mv /home/foo/Desktop/*.deb /home/foo/debs ---- 3. Check the current priorities and section for the package, find entry named Section and Priority: dpkg --info example_1.2.3-1@i386.deb **NOTE:** This returns some information including Section and Priority: Here is some of the info: Package: example Section: editors Priority: optional Homepage: http://www.example.com/ ---- 4. Create an override file. An Override file is used to override the default Priority and Section setting of the package. * An Override file contains 3 columns: Package, Priority, Section. * Package is the name of the Package, Priority is low, medium, high or optional and Section is the section to which it belongs. Example of override file content: ## Override #Package priority section example low editors ---- 5. Create Packages.gz inside /home/foo/debs cd /home/foo/debs sudo dpkg-scanpackages . override | gzip -c9 > Packages.gz ---- 6. If you are too lazy to do the override file, you do not have to. Just change the "dpkg --scanpackages" command above to this: cd /home/foo/debs sudo dpkg-scanpackages . /dev/null | gzip -c9 > Packages.gz If you follow this path, ignore step 4 and 5. ---- 7. Add this line to /etc/apt/sources.list deb file:///home/foo/debs / ---- 8. Re-synchronize the package index files from their sources sudo apt-get update ---- 9. Install your application: sudo apt-get install example **NOTE:** This has just created a local file repository. * apt will fetch the deb files from your local file directory also.