====== Ubiquiti - CLI - Cheat Sheet ====== Unifi devices are running on a form of Linux, so most Linux commands will work on the devices. * Pressing **Tab** twice will give you a list of all available SSH commands. Commands that can be run on Unifi devices from the command line. ^Command^Description^Example^ |info|Display AP information.|info| |fwupdate|Update firmware.|fwupdate --url https://.bin| |poweroff|Shutdown the device.|poweroff| |reboot|Reboot the device.|reboot| |set-default|Restore to factory default.|set-default| |set-inform |Set URL of the controller.|set-inform http://ip-of-controller:8080/inform| |:::|The Set-Inform URL tells the Unifi Access Point where the controller is located. By default, the access point will search the network for the controller, using the default DNS name **unifi**. This does not always work, so we need to tell the access point the correct address of the Unifi Controller.|set-inform| |syswrapper.sh|Similar to set-default. Older firmware versions like v2.2.x do not support the **set-default** command.|syswrapper.sh restore-default.| |upgrade |Upgrade firmware.|upgrade| |uptime|Displays the device uptime.|uptime| ---- ===== Unifi OS SSH Commands ===== Commands that can be run for Controllers running Unifi OS. ^Command^Description^Example^ |ubnt-device-info summary|Show system information.|ubnt-device-info summary| |ubnt-systool cputemp|Show CPU Temp.|ubnt-systool cputemp| |ubnt-systool cpuload|Show CPU load.|ubnt-systool cpuload| |ubnt-systool hostname|Set new hostname.|ubnt-systool hostname | |ubnt-systool portstatus|Show port status.|ubnt-systool portstatus| |ubnt-systool poweroff|Shutdown device.|ubnt-systool poweroff| |ubnt-systool reboot|Reboot device.|ubnt-systool reboot| |ubnt-systool reset2defaults|Factory reset device.|ubnt-systool reset2defaults| |ubnt-tools ubnt-discover|Show Unifi devices in the network.|ubnt-tools ubnt-discover| |cat /mnt/data/udapi-config/dnsmasq.lease|Show DHCP Leases.|cat /mnt/data/udapi-config/dnsmasq.lease| |cat /mnt/data/udapi-config/unifi|Show configuration.|cat /mnt/data/udapi-config/unifi| |/etc/init.d/S95unifios restart|Restart Unifi OS Web interface|/etc/init.d/S95unifios restart| ---- ===== Unifi Log files ===== There are a lot of log files that you can access to help you debug any Unifi related problem: ^Command^Description^ |cat /var/log/messages|Output the error log.| |tail -f /var/log/messages|Monitor log file.| |cat /mnt/data/unifi-os/unifi-core/config/settings.yaml|Server settings.| |cat /mnt/data/unifi-os/unifi-core/logs/discovery.log|Discovery log.| |cat /mnt/data/unifi-os/unifi-core/logs/system.log|System log.| |cat /mnt/data/unifi-os/unifi/logs/server.log|Server log.| |cat /mnt/data/unifi-os/unifi-core/logs/errors.log|Http errors.| ----