====== PFSense - Suricata - Rules - Custom Rules ====== **WARNING:** Every custom rules must have a unique SID!!! Make sure you pick a starting SID number that does not conflict with any existing SIDs from other enabled rules. SID Codes: 1000000-1999999 Reserved for Local Use -- Put your custom rules in this range to avoid conflicts. ---- Navigate to **Services -> Suricata -> Interfaces -> INTERFACE > INTERFACE Rules -> custom rules**. In **Available Rule Categories**: * Choose **custom.rules** in the Category drop-down. * Type in the rules you need. {{:pfsense:suricata:pfsense_-_suricata_-_wan_-_custom_rules.png?800|}} ---- ====== Custom Rules ====== There are plenty of examples on the web. You can add restrictions by protocol, port and source or destination IP address. **WARNING:** Just really think about what your rule is allowing when creating it. alert tcp [$EXTERNAL_NET,!] any -> $HOME_NET [80,443] alert icmp any any -> any any (msg:"ICMP Packet found";sid:1000001;rev:1;classtype:icmp-event) alert tcp $HOME_NET any -> $EXTERNAL_NET ![80,8080] (msg:"HTTP Port Unauthorized"; appid: http; classtype:policy-violation; sid:12171008; rev:1;) alert tcp $HOME_NET any -> $EXTERNAL_NET !443 (msg:"HTTPS Port Unauthorized"; appid: https; classtype:policy-violation; sid:12171009; rev:1;) pass ip any <> any any (msg:"pass all traffic from/to"; sid:100000;) pass ip 80 <- any any (msg: "Pass List Entry - allow all traffic to/from"; sid:1000006; **INFO:** Notice the direction symbol is "<>" which stands for "any" as opposed to "->" which signifies a specific direction (from to any other IP). So the rule using "<>" would mimic the old Legacy Mode Pass List operation whereby IP address would never get blocked. ---- ===== Protocol Anomalies Detection ===== Suricata IDS/IPS/NSM is also capable of doing protocol anomaly detection. Please find below a few self explanatory rule examples (look at the rule msg) of how to do this: HTTP alert tcp any any -> any ![80,8080] (msg:"SURICATA HTTP but not tcp port 80, 8080"; flow:to_server; app-layer-protocol:http; sid:2271001; rev:1;) alert tcp any any -> any 80 (msg:"SURICATA Port 80 but not HTTP"; flow:to_server; app-layer-protocol:!http; sid:2271002; rev:1;) HTTPS alert http any any -> any 443 (msg:"SURICATA HTTP clear text on port 443"; flow:to_server; app-layer-protocol:http; sid:2271019; rev:1;) TLS alert tcp any any -> any 443 (msg:"SURICATA Port 443 but not TLS"; flow:to_server; app-layer-protocol:!tls; sid:2271003; rev:1;) FTP alert tcp any any -> any ![20,21] (msg:"SURICATA FTP but not tcp port 20 or 21"; flow:to_server; app-layer-protocol:ftp; sid:2271004; rev:1;) alert tcp any any -> any [20,21] (msg:"SURICATA TCP port 21 but not FTP"; flow:to_server; app-layer-protocol:!ftp; sid:2271005; rev:1;) SMTP alert tcp any any -> any ![25,587,465] (msg:"SURICATA SMTP but not tcp port 25,587,465"; flow:to_server; app-layer-protocol:smtp; sid:2271006; rev:1;) alert tcp any any -> any [25,587,465] (msg:"SURICATA TCP port 25,587,465 but not SMTP"; flow:to_server; app-layer-protocol:!smtp; sid:2271007; rev:1;) SSH alert tcp any any -> any !22 (msg:"SURICATA SSH but not tcp port 22"; flow:to_server; app-layer-protocol:ssh; sid:2271008; rev:1;) alert tcp any any -> any 22 (msg:"SURICATA TCP port 22 but not SSH"; flow:to_server; app-layer-protocol:!ssh; sid:2271009; rev:1;) IMAP alert tcp any any -> any !143 (msg:"SURICATA IMAP but not tcp port 143"; flow:to_server; app-layer-protocol:imap; sid:2271010; rev:1;) alert tcp any any -> any 143 (msg:"SURICATA TCP port 143 but not IMAP"; flow:to_server; app-layer-protocol:!imap; sid:2271011; rev:1;) SMB alert tcp any any -> any 139 (msg:"SURICATA TCP port 139 but not SMB"; flow:to_server; app-layer-protocol:!smb; sid:2271012; rev:1;) DCERPC alert tcp any any -> any [80,8080] (msg:"SURICATA DCERPC detected over port tcp 80,8080"; flow:to_server; app-layer-protocol:dcerpc; sid:2271013; rev:1;) DNS alert tcp any any -> any 53 (msg:"SURICATA TCP port 53 but not DNS"; flow:to_server; app-layer-protocol:!dns; sid:2271014; rev:1;) alert udp any any -> any 53 (msg:"SURICATA UDP port 53 but not DNS"; flow:to_server; app-layer-protocol:!dns; sid:2271015; rev:1;) MODBUS alert tcp any any -> any 502 (msg:"SURICATA TCP port 502 but not MODBUS"; flow:to_server; app-layer-protocol:!modbus; sid:2271018; rev:1;) ===== References ===== https://www.cnblogs.com/lsgxeva/p/11392627.html http://manual-snort-org.s3-website-us-east-1.amazonaws.com/node27.html https://redmine.openinfosecfoundation.org/projects/suricata/wiki/Protocol_Anomalies_Detection