====== PFSense - Suricata - Create a custom HOME_NET ====== You have to first create a Pass List on the PASS LIST tab. Then on the INTERFACE SETTINGS tab for the interface you want to set a custom HOME_NET for, choose the Pass List you created in the drop-down (the one that probably says "default" right now). ---- ===== Create a Firewall Alias ===== Navigate to **Firewall -> Aliases**. * Put all the remote networks and IP addresses (excepting locally-attached addresses on the firewall itself) that you want to be in HOME_NET in that alias. **TIP:** Remember that on pfSense you can nest aliases (so you can put an alias in another alias). ---- ===== Create a Suricata Passlist ===== Navigate to **Services -> Suricata -> Pass Lists**. * Click Add. * Name the list something with HOME_NET in it just to help you identify it in the future. * You probably want to leave all the defaults in the new list. * Aligned Alias: **Type the the name of the alias created earlier**. * Click **Save**. {{:pfsense:suricata:pfsense_-_services_-_suricata_-_pass_list_-_lan_-_home_net.png?800|}} ---- ===== Apply Passlist ===== Navigate to **Services -> Suricata -> Interfaces**. * Select the specific Interface you want to modify. In **Networks Suricata Should Inspect and Protect**: * Pass List: **Click the drop-down and select the Pass List you created earlier**. * Click **Save**. * Restart Suricata on the interface. ---- ===== References ===== https://forum.netgate.com/topic/136729/suricata-cannot-change-home-net-list/9