====== PFSense - Suricata - Alerts - ET SCAN Possible WordPress xmlrpc.php BruteForce in Progress - Response ====== XML-RPC is a feature of WordPress that enables data to be transmitted, with HTTP acting as the transport mechanism and XML as the encoding mechanism. Since WordPress is not a self-enclosed system and occasionally needs to communicate with other systems, this was sought to handle that job. The biggest issues with XML-RPC are the security concerns that arise. The issues aren’t with XML-RPC directly, but instead how the file can be used to enable a brute force attack on your site. The are two main weaknesses to XML-RPC are: - Using brute force attacks to gain entry to your site. * An attacker will try to access your site using xmlrpc.php by using various username and password combinations. * They can effectively use a single command to test hundreds of different passwords. * This allows them to bypass security tools that typically detect and block brute force attacks. - The second was taking sites offline through a DDoS attack. * Hackers would use the pingback feature in WordPress to send pingbacks to thousands of sites instantaneously. * This feature in xmlrpc.php gives hackers a nearly endless supply of IP addresses to distribute a DDoS attack over.