====== JavaScript - Comments - Strip Comments ====== var CommentStripper = (function (window) { var SLASH = '/'; var BACK_SLASH = '\\'; var STAR = '*'; var DOUBLE_QUOTE = '"'; var SINGLE_QUOTE = "'"; var NEW_LINE = '\n'; var CARRIAGE_RETURN = '\r'; var CommentStripper = function () { }; CommentStripper.prototype = { string: '', length: 0, position: 0, output: null, getCurrentCharacter: function () { return this.string.charAt(this.position); }, getPreviousCharacter: function () { return this.string.charAt(this.position - 1); }, getNextCharacter: function () { return this.string.charAt(this.position + 1); }, add: function () { this.output.push(this.getCurrentCharacter()); }, next: function () { this.position++; }, atEnd: function () { return this.position >= this.length; }, isEscaping: function () { if (this.getPreviousCharacter() == BACK_SLASH) { var offset = 1; var escaped = true; while ((this.position - offset) > 0) { escaped = !escaped; var current = this.position - offset; if (this.string.charAt(current) != BACK_SLASH) { return escaped; } offset++; } return escaped; } return false; }, processSingleQuotedString: function () { if (this.getCurrentCharacter() == SINGLE_QUOTE) { this.add(); this.next(); while (!this.atEnd()) { if (this.getCurrentCharacter() == SINGLE_QUOTE && !this.isEscaping()) { return; } this.add(); this.next(); } } }, processDoubleQuotedString: function () { if (this.getCurrentCharacter() == DOUBLE_QUOTE) { this.add(); this.next(); while (!this.atEnd()) { if (this.getCurrentCharacter() == DOUBLE_QUOTE && !this.isEscaping()) { return; } this.add(); this.next(); } } }, processSingleLineComment: function () { if (this.getCurrentCharacter() == SLASH) { if (this.getNextCharacter() == SLASH) { this.next(); while (!this.atEnd()) { this.next(); if (this.getCurrentCharacter() == NEW_LINE || this.getCurrentCharacter() == CARRIAGE_RETURN) { return; } } } } }, processMultiLineComment: function () { if (this.getCurrentCharacter() == SLASH) { if (this.getNextCharacter() == STAR) { this.next(); while (!this.atEnd()) { this.next(); if (this.getCurrentCharacter() == STAR) { if (this.getNextCharacter() == SLASH) { this.next(); this.next(); return; } } } } } }, processRegex: function () { if (this.getCurrentCharacter() == SLASH) { if (this.getNextCharacter() != STAR && this.getNextCharacter() != SLASH) { while (!this.atEnd()) { this.add(); this.next(); if (this.getCurrentCharacter() == SLASH && !this.isEscaping()) { return; } } } } }, process: function () { while (!this.atEnd()) { this.processRegex(); this.processDoubleQuotedString(); this.processSingleQuotedString(); this.processSingleLineComment(); this.processMultiLineComment(); if (!this.atEnd()) { this.add(); this.next(); } } }, reset: function () { this.string = ''; this.length = 0; this.position = 0; this.output = []; }, strip: function (string) { this.reset(); this.string = string; this.length = this.string.length; this.process(); return this.output.join(''); } }; if (typeof define === 'function') { define('commentstripper', [], function () { return CommentStripper; }); } return window.CommentStripper = CommentStripper; })(window); Usage is simple - create an instance and call .strip(string) to get back the de-commented string... var cs = new CommentStripper(); console.log( cs.strip(someString) ); It's intended to be 100% effective - catching any valid comment, including: var a = 10; // comment var a = "http://www.github.com"; // more comments var a = function(arg /*, ...rest */) ---- ===== References ===== https://github.com/moagrius/stripcomments