====== Games - Quake - Setup a local QuakeJS server - Create a QuakeJS service ====== ====== Install daemonize ====== Used in the init.d script. sudo apt install daemonize ---- ====== Create the Service Script ====== Copy the service script to where it goes: sudo cp ~/quakejs/init.d/quakejs /etc/init.d/quakejs ---- ====== Edit the startup script ====== Edit the /etc/init.d/quakejs file, change: daemonize -v -p /var/run/$prog.pid -c /home/quake/quakejs -u quake /usr/bin/node build/ioq3ded.js +set fs_game baseq3 set dedicated 1 +exec server.cfg to daemonize -v -p /var/run/$prog.pid -c /root/quakejs /usr/bin/node build/ioq3ded.js +set fs_game baseq3 set dedicated 1 +exec server.cfg **NOTE:** This setup has Quake running in a Container, so no need to have a separate user account. * Therefore changing this to root. ====== Enable the Service Script ====== sudo update-rc.d quakejs defaults ---- ====== Complete ====== Whenever your Quake server boots up it will automatically start the QuakeJS game server and Apache2 webserver. When a computer visits they will automatically download the files they need from and then connect to the QuakeJS server at Have people point their browsers to and enjoy! **NOTE:** Instead of ** ** in the above, a DNS could be configured with a nicer name. ====== Test ====== sudo systemctl start quakejs systemctl status quakejs **NOTE:** Now try to connect to the server. {{:games:quake:setup_a_local_quakejs_server:quake_-_connecting.png?600|}} {{:games:quake:setup_a_local_quakejs_server:quake_-_main.png?600|}} ---- Continue [[Games:Quake:Setup a local QuakeJS server:Playing Setup|Playing Setup]]