====== Docker - Volumes - Remove a volume ====== ===== Remove one or more specific volumes - Docker 1.9 and later ===== Use the **docker volume ls** command to locate the volume name or names you wish to delete. Then you can remove one or more volumes with the **docker volume rm** command: To list the volumes: docker volume ls To remove the volumes: docker volume rm volume_name volume_name ---- ===== Remove dangling volumes - Docker 1.9 and later ===== Since the point of volumes is to exist independent from containers, when a container is removed, a volume is not automatically removed at the same time. When a volume exists and is no longer connected to any containers, however, it's called a dangling volume. To locate them to confirm you want to remove them, you can use the **docker volume ls** command with a filter to limit the results to dangling volumes. When you're satisfied with the list, you can add a **-q** flag to provide the volume name to **docker volume rm**: To list the volumes: docker volume ls -f dangling=true To remove the volumes: docker volume rm $(docker volume ls -f dangling=true -q) ---- ===== Remove a container and its volume ===== If you created an unnamed volume, it can be deleted at the same time as the container with the **-v** flag. Note that this only works with unnamed volumes. When the container is successfully removed, its ID is displayed. Note that no reference is made to the removal of the volume. If it is unnamed, it is silently removed from the system. If it is named, it silently stays present. To remove: docker rm -v container_name