====== Docker - Media Server - Sonarr - Configure Profiles ====== ===== Configure Profiles ===== Navigate to **Settings -> Profiles**. In **Quality Profiles**: * **No Change**. * If you prefer Sonarr downloading different quality media, then either modify one of the existing profiles, or click on the plus sign at the end to create one that suites. {{:docker:media_server:sonarr_-_profiles_-_quality_profiles.png?1000|}} ---- In **Language Profiles**: * **No Change**. * The default of **English** is the language of media that is wanted. * If you want media in a specific language then either modify one the existing **English** profile, or click on the plus sign at the end to add a language that suites. {{:docker:media_server:sonarr_-_profiles_-_language_profiles.png?800|}} ---- In **Delay Profiles**: * **No Change**. * The default of **Usenet** under the **Protocol** heading is preferred above using Torrents. * The default of **No delay** is kept. * If you want to change the preference to Torrents, or the Delays then edit as required. Click on the button icons on the right to edit, or create additional profiles if needed. {{:docker:media_server:sonarr_-_profiles_-_delay_profiles.png?800|}} ---- In **Release Profiles**: * **No Change**. * Click on the plus sign if you want to add in a Release Profile. {{:docker:media_server:sonarr:sonarr_-_profiles_-_release_profiles.png?600|}} ----