====== Docker - Media Server - Jackett ====== **Jackett** works as a proxy server. It translates queries from apps (Sonarr, Radarr, SickRage, CouchPotato, Mylar, Lidarr, DuckieTV, qBittorrent, Nefarious etc.) ... ---- Enter **** into a browser. **NOTE:** This IP address is specified in the **Dockerfile**. Modify as required. Make a note of the **API Key** at the top. {{:docker:jackett.png?800|}} ---- ===== Add Indexers ===== Click on the **Add Indexer** button at the top. {{:docker:jackett_configure_indexers_buttons_-_add_indexer.png?600|}} This will display a list of Indexers that are available. Click on the **green plus sign** against all indexers you want to add. {{:docker:jackett_-_select_an_indexer_to_setup.png?800|}} **NOTE:** Some indexers do not have a **green plus sign** as they are private indexers. These require a subscription to the server in order to use these. {{:docker:jackett_-_select_an_indexer_to_setup_-_private.png?800|}} To find out where to go to register for a subscription; or if you already have a username and password you can click on the **blue setup icon**. {{:docker:jackett_-_select_an_indexer_to_setup_-_private_-_0day.kiev.png?800|}} ---- ===== Determine Indexer Capabilities ===== Now for each indexer, in this example **AniRena**, click on the **blue configuration button**. {{:docker:jackett_-_indexer_-_setup_button.png?800|}} Take a look at the **Capabilities** section. This shows what media this Indexer provides. For the specific media you are interested in, take a note of the **Category number**, for example 5070 for TV series. {{:docker:jackett_-_indexer_-_capabilities.png?800|}} ----