====== Cisco - Router - Assign an IP address ======
===== Check state of the available interfaces =====
==== In Privileged EXEC mode ====
show ip interface brief
==== In Global config mode ====
do show ip interface brief
===== Configure Interface =====
Configure FastEthernet0/0:
interface FastEthernet 0/0
ip address
no shut
%LINK-5-CHANGED: Interface FastEthernet0/0, changed state to up
* **interface FastEthernet 0/0**: Enters configuration mode of port FastEthernet 0/0 (FE0/0).
* **ip address**: Adds IP address to port FE0/0.
* **no shut**. (or **no shutdown**) brings FE0/0 from down (offline) state to up (online).
===== Check port configuration again =====
do show ip interface brief
**NOTE:** This should show the Port is up with address that was assigned.
===== Remove IP address from the interface =====
interface fastethernet0/0
no ip address
===== Bring down (offline) the interface =====