====== Chess - Programming - Polyglot Book Format - Move ======
A **Move** is encoded as a bit field:
|0,1,2|The destination file.|
|3,4,5|The destination rank.|
|6,7,8|The source file.|
|9,10,11|The source rank.|
|12,13,14|Promotion piece.|
**NOTE:** Bit 0 is the least significant bit.
===== Promotion Moves =====
A **Promoted Piece** is encoded as follows:
^ Promoted Piece ^ Value ^
| None | 0 |
| Knight | 1 |
| Bishop | 2 |
| Rook | 3 |
| Queen | 4 |
===== Castling Moves =====
Castling moves are represented unconventionally as follows:
^Color^Castle Side^Polygot Move^
|White|King-side Castle|e1h1|
|White|Queen-side Castle|e1a1|
|Black|King-side Castle|e8h8|
|Black|Queen-side Castle|e8a8|
**NOTE:** It is technically possible that these moves are legal non-castling moves.
* Therefore a program should verify that a Castle-move was actually valid.
* For example, verify that there is really a king present on e1/e8.