====== Blocklists - Gravatar ====== **ALERT:** Bad Tracking! [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gravatar|Gravatar]] is bad in terms of data security and privacy. * Gravatar analyses the way YOU navigate the internet. * The most egregious part of Gravatar’s service is the inability to stop them from collecting your data. * Trying to cancel a Gravatar registration is not allowed and they will continue to track your e-mail address for the rest of time. * Gravatar does not provide any details about how they use your personal information and does not respond to any queries relating to privacy issues. * Gravatar is not an opt-in service. * However, they will not display an avator unless you register, but if a site is Gravatar-enabled, every time visit it your information is sent to Gravatar. * Their Privacy Policy is silent on this point; and they have not responded to enquiries on this point. * They track your internet usage across different sites if the same e-mail address is used. ---- ===== References ===== https://meta.stackexchange.com/questions/44717/is-gravatar-a-privacy-risk https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gravatar