====== BASH - Files - Display file using formatting ======
**'pr'** command
This command helps in formatting the file for printing on the terminal.
There are many options available with this command which help in making desired format changes on file.
The most used 'pr' options are listed below.
|-x|Divides the data into 'x' columns|
|-h "header"|Assigns "header" value as the report header|
|-t|Does not print the header and top/bottom margins|
|-d|Double spaces the output file|
|-n|Denotes all line with numbers|
|-l page length|Defines the lines (page length) in a page. Default is 56|
|-o margin|Formats the page by the margin number|
===== Display into columns =====
pr -3 Filename
**NOTE:** Displays the file content arranged in three columns.
===== Assign a header =====
pr -h "Header" Filename
===== Denote all lines with numbers =====
pr -n Filename