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wordpress:add_content_and_create_new_pages [2016/10/18 22:23] – created peterwordpress:add_content_and_create_new_pages [2020/07/15 09:30] (current) – external edit
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 ====== WordPress - Add content and create new pages ====== ====== WordPress - Add content and create new pages ======
 +===== How do I add content and create new pages? =====
 +Let’s quickly run through some of the basics:
 +===== Adding and editing pages =====
 +Want a “Services” page, or an “About Me” page?
 +1. Look along the sidebar in the WordPress Dashboard for “Pages” -> “Add New”.
 +2. Once you’ve clicked, you’ll find a screen that looks a lot like what you’ve maybe seen in Microsoft Word.  Add text, images and more to build the page you want, then save it when you’re done.
 +==== Adding pages to the menu ====
 +If you want your new page to be linked to in your navigation bar,
 +1. Save any changes you’ve made to the page by clicking “Update”
 +2. Click “Appearance” -> “Menus” in the sidebar of the WordPress Dashboard
 +3. Find the page you created and add it to the list by clicking the checkbox next to it and then “Add to Menu”.
 +==== Adding and editing posts ====
 +If you have a blog on your website, “Posts” will be where you turn to next. You can use different categories to group similar posts.
 +{{ :wordpress:wordpress_blogcategory.jpg?200|}}
 +If you want to add a blog to your website, you can use different categories and posts. Let’s say you want to create a category named “Blog”. To do so, simply add it to your menu and start making posts.
 +Here’s what you need to do:
 +a. Create a new category by going to “Posts -> Categories”
 +b. Create a blog post by going to “Posts -> Add New”. Once you’ve finished writing your blog post, you need to add the right category for it.
 +Once you’ve created your category, simply add it to the menu, and you’re in business!
wordpress/add_content_and_create_new_pages.1476829439.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/07/15 09:30 (external edit)

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