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ubiquiti:cli:cheat_sheet [2022/10/11 10:00] peterubiquiti:cli:cheat_sheet [2022/10/11 10:07] (current) peter
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 |set-inform <inform_url>|Set URL of the controller.|set-inform http://ip-of-controller:8080/inform| |set-inform <inform_url>|Set URL of the controller.|set-inform http://ip-of-controller:8080/inform|
 |:::|The Set-Inform URL tells the Unifi Access Point where the controller is located. By default, the access point will search the network for the controller, using the default DNS name **unifi**. This does not always work, so we need to tell the access point the correct address of the Unifi Controller.|set-inform| |:::|The Set-Inform URL tells the Unifi Access Point where the controller is located. By default, the access point will search the network for the controller, using the default DNS name **unifi**. This does not always work, so we need to tell the access point the correct address of the Unifi Controller.|set-inform|
 +||Similar to set-default.  Older firmware versions like v2.2.x do not support the **set-default** command.| restore-default.|
 |upgrade <firmware_url>|Upgrade firmware.|upgrade| |upgrade <firmware_url>|Upgrade firmware.|upgrade|
 |uptime|Displays the device uptime.|uptime| |uptime|Displays the device uptime.|uptime|
ubiquiti/cli/cheat_sheet.1665482400.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/10/11 10:00 by peter

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