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spam:cost_of_spam [2021/06/04 08:50] peterspam:cost_of_spam [2021/06/04 13:38] (current) peter
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   * Management Costs and Lost Productivity.   * Management Costs and Lost Productivity.
   * Unreasonable Anti-Spam Filtering and Software Costs.   * Unreasonable Anti-Spam Filtering and Software Costs.
-  * Disaster Recovery Expenses.+  * Safety and Disaster Recovery Expenses.
   * Environmental Impact.   * Environmental Impact.
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 ---- ----
-===== Disaster Recovery Expenses =====+===== Safety and Disaster Recovery Expenses =====
 Phishing emails are getting more dangerous all the time as hackers and spammers come up with new ways to get around anti-spam defenses. Phishing emails are getting more dangerous all the time as hackers and spammers come up with new ways to get around anti-spam defenses.
-Some people may be savvy enough to avoid falling for phishing tricks, but just one errant click could set off a chain of events that leads to a data breach.  Everyone makes mistakes now and then, unfortunately. +Some people may be savvy enough to avoid falling for phishing tricks, but just one errant click could set off a chain of events that leads to a data breach.  Everyone makes mistakes now and then, unfortunately
 +If these spam emails were not received, then the mailbox would be cleaner with less risk of being caught out.
 ---- ----
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 ===== Environmental Impact ===== ===== Environmental Impact =====
 +Not just extra energy costs to the receiver of these emails, but there is also a recognized environmental impact to spam, marketing and advertisements.
 ---- ----
spam/cost_of_spam.1622796624.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/06/04 08:50 by peter

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